TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro 15 - Gen9 - AMD

I am the same, I normally take care of my laptop and smartphones.

Well I think my video card just died... So do with that information what you will ig? ^^'

Edit: video card is fine, the screen controller seems to be the issue

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Hypnotherapy as a proactive treatment

Since hypnotherapy can be effective for a percentage of the population for various treatments, why is it not offered as a standard therapy for everyone in terms of setting them up for health benefits at a younger age? For example, some people claim to have had successful results with hypnotherapy as a smoking cessation tool. If it’s effective, why is it not offered more widely as a smoking prevention tool, or healthy eating tool, or any other pro-healthy lifestyle aid before those bad habits are formed? Preventing smoking, or suggesting healthy food habits at a young age would save the NHS (or other public healthcare provider) billions long-term if it was effective. It seems like, if hypnotherapy is generally accepted as a mechanism to treat certain conditions (which it appears to be in various quarters of traditional medicine), why is it used more as a reactive treatment rather than a proactive one?
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
12 4 1
I really don’t agree with your last sentence though. “Fixing” problems before they arise is exactly why we, particularly governments, already spend millions on the promotion of wellbeing and heathy lifestyles in order to prevent health issues in later life.

I'm pretty familiar with the differences in life expectancy statistics caused by health inequality. I'm not sure that you can truly promote wellbeing in a world where people are treated like they're vastly less valuable.

Well “the world” is a big place, but health is already a factor within education in countries that don’t want their population to become a burden on the state, while also maximising their workforce.
2 1

Is Qubes any more efficient in resource usage than a typical VM?

Privacy benefits aside, does qubes run better than a typical vm like virtualbox? I tend to fiddle with distros a lot and I feel qubes might be a good choice, though I'm wondering about how efficient it is
49 2 1

Xen, The backbone of qubes, is One of the very few microkernels that is widely deployed. It's extremely efficient. It only does the minimum amount of work necessary to dispatch resources to different virtual machine guests

So comparing a VM running on a dedicated microcernal hypervisor like qubes, compared to QEMU or KVM which requires a monolithic kernel, it's going to be much more efficient.

But, when you start talking about the full desktop experience, with a window manager and mice and keyboards, and a guest VM, and a VM to run the desktop, and a VM to run the USB for the mice and keyboard, and a VM for the network stack, and a VM for the firewall..... It's less efficient compared to a system running a single QEMU VM with a monolithic kernel, and everything handled with a traditional monolithic operating system.

It depends on your use case, what you want to optimize for, quite frankly if you don't care about segmentation and security qubes is probably going to be too much friction for you.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

for me i will likely play some games or use proprietary apps in windows or something and swap back to linux. i also develop for linux sometimes so being able to swap distros quickly and with good efficiency would be nice.

i dont know how viable qubes is for this use case. i like the concept of privacy but i dont need 100% lockdown for each app.

i hate dual booting with a passion, and i also hate how much my base OS interferes with the operation of a virtualized os.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

3d acceleration in qubes is very experimental. maybe not the best for gaming

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

happen to know of any distros that dont have this limitation and operate similarly to qubes? i havent heard of anything i know its a longshot 🙃

but maybe i could work on programming and making this a bit smoother if i like the rest of what qubes offers

Qubes is unique

You could 100% play games on qubes if you have two graphics cards, or a integrated graphics on the CPU, and then have the GPU dedicated to a specific VM.

However, at that point, you might as well just use moonlight and sunshine and stream your game over the network.

Sunshine can run inside of a VM it just needs access to a GPU.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
You should use KVM for games

Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous?

Currently, almost anyone in the Fediverse can see Lemmys votes. Lemmy admins can see votes, as well as mods. Only regular Lemmy users can't.
Should the Lemmy devs create a way to make the votes anonymous?

There is a discussion going on right now considering "making the Lemmy votes public" but I think that premisse is just wrong. The votes are public already, they're just hidden from Lemmy users. Anyone from a kbin/mbin/fedia instance can check out the votes if they are so inclined.

The users right now may fall into a false sense of privacy when voting because the votes are hidden from Lemmy users. If you want to vote something and not show up on the vote list, please create another account to support that type of content and don't tell anyone.


Multiple votes is not why we have secret ballots IRL. Votes during referenda where you don't vote for one candidate are also secret.

The purpose of secrecy is to protect from repercussions (ie worker vs boss, person vs family, tenant vs landlord...)

I'm not being pedantic. It matters here, because your votes can have repercussion if they're easy to see at all times. I don't want to be harassed because I downvoted an obsessive tankie.

What movie from your past are you completely nostalgia blind too?

I ran into an old movie I had on VHS as a kid titled "MegaForce" (1982) (RT link). I hadn't seen the movie in decades and was worried looking at a rotten tomato score of 6% that if I watched it, I would be completely disappointed in the movie as an adult. Surprisingly, I didn't realize as a kid that it was actually more of a spoof comedy action movie like a knock-off "Hot Shots" or "Naked Gun" and just completely enjoyed watching it again because it felt like a whole new experience (definitely better than the new G.I. Joe's lol).

So what's your movie from your past that you'll always enjoy no matter how cheesy or horrible it may seem?

darkstar lemmy (AP)
The Iron Giant for me, but that's actually a really good movie
Riley lemmy (AP)
I can recognize that I love the Star Wars prequels for bad reasons.
But also they're still masterpieces actually.

Women of Lemmy, do you mind being called cute?

Or do you prefer other adjectives? Do you consider it to be insulting or do you take it for a compliment if it was meant as one? (Assume an amenable relationship between the two people, not a random stranger or creeper)

Since attractive just refers to outer features, if you're interested only physically, that's fine. If you want a relationship, pick something that describes your person of choice better or encompasses more features.

"I think you're amazing, would you like to grab a coffee/dinner with me sometime?" would probably work.

If you choose to be this direct, make it clear you don't need an immediate response. The other party didn't have any time to prepare for this, so they may actually need to think about you in this way first of all.
This may be the hardest part, because you will not know if you'll get a reply (depends on maturity and courage). You could ask them again once, but then I'd drop it and just assume it's a no, otherwise you may come across as pushy.

The reason most people don't do this is, that they're scared to be turned down or ridiculed (teenagers are assholes). I think from 30 onwards it gets a lot clearer and easier.

Good luck!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)


40 7 1
  1. Find a gnome tweak/extension for it.
  2. Plug and play. Fedora, Opensuse, Ubuntu.
  3. Arch derivatives I believe.
  4. Easily.
  5. Root here is the superused, like admin.
  6. Its not recommended to switch DEs of the same distro as you may encounter problems. Better see witch DE and distro you like and download it.
  7. Wayland is a window management standard, all serious distros use it. Docker is a technology and encapsulates all the components to run an instance of an OS for certain specific tasks. Docker is cross OS(works in all OSs)
2 1
3 1

[Solved] Can't connect to host after enabling WireGuard tunnel

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Like I said in another thread on this post, I'm pretty sure that's because they are forwarding input but not output in the PostUp rules. Setting a /32 in AllowedIPs works fine for me.
Thanks for help. Everything is fixed, read post update
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Looking for cherry MX caps black with reversed writings on numbers row

Hi there,

I'm a dev and use basic mechanical keyboards (tkl corsair quick fire). For a while now I'm operating in qwerty us layout but I reversed the numbers with the special characters because I use them more often than numbers. Any of you know where I could find this? CherryMX keycaps.

I don't want to go on the more dvoraky dev layouts because I think more than I type during my day.

Thanks a lot ❤️

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
I've created a new layout for windows and fedora directly. I don't know if it's qmk/via compatible
There's also Yuzu (nice looking and durable dye sub cherry profile) and their sister site FKcaps (laser-marked in white or shinethrough, but more profile and layout options).

Recommended whiteboarding programs?

I just got a drawing tablet, and have been wanting some software that would allow me to work out math problems, draw architecture diagrams, etc. I've seen some tools like Excalidraw, which look handy for the sharing capabilities. I also have just used plain krita, which has great feedback for the pen sensitivity, but obviously is overkill for whiteboarding.

Are there any tools you use or recommend for handwriting or picture drawing? Pen or mouse?

44 1 1

I've used Xournal++ and Write, both worked pretty well. Saber also looks promising.

It's going to come down to how the program handles smoothing of the pen input, which is going to differ based on how noisy your tablets data is, and on your handwriting.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
driving_crooner lemmy (AP)
My professor uses Openboard and it's look really good

My wife, newly hired, was asked to un-blur her camera during a routine meeting to confirm her I9 information. This seems like a violation to me?

She had interviewed and met both remotely and in person, this guy was merely an HR drone confirming her documentation. I was a little bent when she told me he had asked her to remove her blur filter "to have a look at her working environment, make sure it's not cluttered" (something along those lines). No one else at this company requested such. Was he way out of line?

I should note, this is my PC in our living room and not where she will be working from. And this guy wants a look around our home?! Told my wife to bring this up once she's settled in, ask HR if this is policy. She started today!

She thinks it's a racism thing. I'm not so sure, but I don't have any other explanation.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
398 20 1
My cat will get in front of me on camera, so blurring wouldn't even do anything
3 1

Hmm, so, policy in our office is a clean desk. Before you jump to conclusions, it's because our secured area and office occasionally has people come through that should absolutely not see what information we have on our desks. This requirement is a compliance issue for our continued contracts and certifications.

Our work from home policy hasn't addressed this issue, but it sounds like it's a clear gap. Your neighbour coming around for a cup of tea absolutely should not be able to see any work related information.

My assumption is that someone has considered this kind of aspect and had a check to confirm that they've done diligence by asking you to reveal your working space. A space the companies sensitive information would be visible. Actually you too should maybe not be looking at your wife's screen nor materials on her work desk. Depending on the situation.

Either way, policy comes first so perhaps her employment agreement or employee handbook would reveal more.


I have every reason to be unhappy and resentful, how not to be that?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
48 3 1

Listen to Jordan Peterson.

I recommend starting with his course called Maps of Meaning which I believe is still available on youtube.

15 1
Also, if your current set of philosophical and cultural assumptions has left you depressed and devoid of hope, maybe consider going against the crowd.
I don’t know. Because there is definitely an overlap in the venn diagram of Jordan Peterson fans and people who are inordinately angry at women, trans people, “liberals,” etc. If “going against the crowd” is a driving force behind you finding your philosophy, I don’t think you’re in it for the right reasons.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

Oh no, my life is going fine. I’ve got no anger against those groups. I’m driven and healthy for the first time in my life.

My driving force has been desperation to figure out my mental health.

I’m referring to those who are miserable and asking for help, then downvoting the answers they get because their friends wouldn’t like it.

I haven’t met anyone who’s in that venn intersection. Can you name someone who is?


You're so far outside the box that everyone who disagrees is too small to be the big brain like you are.

Except not. So cut the crap. Downvotes are for said dishonesty.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (4 weeks ago)

This sound a bit like depression, but I am no medical professional.

Imagine all the input you get every day both positive and negative. When we are depressed we do a worse job at filtering out the negative.

If this is how you feel all (or most) of the time for a prolonged period, I would consider talking to your doctor. Antidepressants can help a lot. They can take weeks to months to be effective, but they work.

If you are sceptical about medication, it does not hurt to read about it and how they work.

Anyways, I hope things improve for you!


Help: advice & tools for digital detox / minimalism?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for tools to help with digital detox / digital minimalism.

I struggle with mild impulsivity. Whenever I open my computer I almost automatically open a browser and check social media.

It used to be a problem primarily with Reddit and news sites, but since joining Lemmy my behavior has switched to regularly checking Lemmy.

I'm looking for any tools or advice, whether cognitive-behavioral or technical like browser extensions.

In the past I used the Firefox extension called Redirector to redirect myself from certain subreddits like /r/all to something more benign (I like /r/sewing or /r/books for example), and this intervention helped break up automatic behavior and was a kind of harm reduction: still feeding the impulsivity, but with healthier content.

I was wondering if there is something like Redirector that redirects randomly with some probability (like 20% of the time it redirects to the target you specify).

Projects To Watch Out For: Ladybird Browser

Finally, another web engine is being developed to compete with Chromium and Firefox (Gecko), and they're also working on a browser that will use it.

463 39 1
Proton and photon is just the Firefox browser's GUI style. Proton is the previous one, photon is the current one where everything is bigger and curly.
Ah shit we need photon. Light as light itself

105 3 1

I wake up each day with an awful headache. I think there’s mold but I can’t prove it.

So what motivates me is: “today I can get a little closer to moving out of this shithole”

1 1
Morning motivation routine? Oh, it’s a finely tuned process. First, I snort a casual 50mg of Adderall to wake up the brain cells. Then, I chug a can of monster, but not before I stir in a dash of crushed Euro Speed—gotta keep the heart rate interesting. Next, I sprinkle a 200mg crack rock into my morning coffee, because why not? And just before stepping out, I inject a solid 100mg of meth straight into the arm for that extra ‘let's conquer the world’ vibe. All of this in under four minutes, and honestly, it’s not that bad. Life is beautiful… unless you eat 369 pills of Benadryl, then things get a bit weird.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

The Open Source Computer Science Degree

How did I miss this five years ago? What an excellent idea. I think we should be able to just finish the coursework and then put it on our resume.

I love this idea so much. I'm established in my industry but I think I'll start working on it and just add to my resume. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks (to all the authors) for your hard work and contributions.
11 1

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
75 2 1
Did you use an archlinux32 i486 iso?
nah, amd64 official arch linux

[Solved] Disk utility to use in scripts

Is there any good alternative to parted, that I can use in scripts? Parted main problem is that it requires user confirmation one each action.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

In praise of Linux.

I just need to gush for a minute. I am about to shutdown my server in order to move it to the basement. This off the shelf $300 desktop running Pop!_OS is my self-hosting server that has dutifully done it's job without a single complaint. It has been rebooted maybe three times since 2020 and it currently has an uptime of 840 days. That's 840 days of not ever thinking about this thing. It self updates via Cron jobs and

I am afraid to open the box up though. Those dust bunnies must be huge.

170 3 1

Hijack the power cable and solder it to a battery while you move it !

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
15 1
In other words use a UPS 👍
1 1
The funny thing is, I could have done that if it wasn't for the bowl of cable spaghetti I had going in that closet.
1 1
Hell yeah! It'll be super satisfying to give your system a good cleaning and upgrade. Enjoy!
6 1

[Help] How do I word my grant application to keep my software FOSS?

49 1

Not legal advice, just an idea.

Publish early and frequently (e.g. on github with a license statement) and encourage others to clone it. Now the code is out there. You can't take it back. Even better if the funding agency explicitly approves this.

You can still dual-license, later, i.e. use a more permissive (or different) license if the agency or a research partner requires this. Just make sure the repo with your preferred licence stays available and uptodate.

The license is less important than you think. OSS projects live as long as there is at least one maintainer.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
2 1

Thank you.

From my interactions with the people that'll fund this. It does look like they want me to just develop this. But my advisor has not done this kind of software development grants. And the people I talked to might also not know what their organization's legal requirements are put in contract. That's why I want to know what kind of language I should use in proposal so that it can be used as a point of discussion if someone from their organization says we can't do that. Instead of them just assuming I'll hand over everything.

2 1 1

Can someone ELI5 why often lights set up with a dimmer also flicker?

Seen this in many houses, people upgrade their lighting setup and install a dimmer. Which works. But usually it also makes the lights flicker unintentionally, which is super annoying IMO.

Now, my understanding of electrical engineering is pretty rudimentary so I'd appreciate more something that explains the concept in a way that Cavewoman Mothra can understand rather than something technically accurate.


Power coming into the house is AC which means 50-60 times a second the power goes from +110/240V to -110/240v.

LED lights run off DC power, so to change the power type a capacitor is somewhere that holds enough charge to keep the item working until the AC power is back to a usable positive value.

Dimmers limit the power going to the light, so the capacitor doesn't charge enough to keep the light and circuitry on for the full negative swing of AC power.

This is ungodly rudimentary, and corrections are welcome. There is also many nuances I am missing.

[This comment has been deleted by an automated system]
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 dag ago)

Has anyone achieved using their laptop as their main work device?

I've been trying to get rid of my cellphone for awhile now. I switched to, I have Pidgin setup to make calls/texts, etc.

I use Trisquel GNU/Linux with my Libreboot laptop.

My strategy looks something like this:

  • Use earpiece via Bluetooth to connect to my laptop, have laptop read out notifications (notifications from Microsoft Teams, Thunderbird, etc.)
  • Put laptop into sleep mode, maybe use a script to put it into a special sleep mode to make sure I'm connected to WiFi while walking around warehouse so I can receive calls/texts timely.
  • Forward all notifications from Teams to my email, so that I'm not relying on the web-based version to be open.

Any suggestions?


Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
85 6 1
If you're trying a less "smart" phone experience, just buy a dumb phone. They still exist. Phones are needed for emergencies.
13 1
Unfortunately, the flip phone route for doing daily calls/texts won't work because I use multiple phone numbers, and those phones have proprietary operating systems/firmware. Though, I still keep one in a Faraday bag if needed.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
1 2 1
I have a friend who’s never gotten a cell phone. Computer science PhD candidate. At this point I think he’s avoided it as we seem to be coming out the other side. He rocks a MacBook pro and uses Google voice. It’s possible…
2 1

Want to manage music on an old school iPod

Hey folks,

So, I have an old school iPod I got from someone it’s sweet and I want to put my music on it. Is there a decent app in Linux that will be able to do the sync of music? Or is it able to be just copied to like an external drive?

23 4 1
Does your iPod support Rockbox?
3 1
Strawberry for music transfer and GPodder for podcasts works perfectly on my iPod Photo, although both of them do have slightly clunky interfaces that may take a bit to get used to. Rhythmbox also works great, although I haven't been able to get it working on my current Arch setup yet.
2 1

Soon to be 4 months exclusively on Linux

I'm always blown away by the number of issues people have. I mean, I get it's Fedora, but, on my systems nowadays I really don't have issues anymore. I've thought most of these issues have been eradicated. Maybe I'm just lucky, idk.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
You're probably just lucky or you just don't run any weird HW combination that may cause issues. For me Fedora is the best and most stable distro with least issues. I never used any distro on which I had no issues and I don't believe there is such a distro anywhere. The issues usually just change to different ones when I switch.

why can't I connect to my ssh server UNLESS I enter eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" first?

I have my own ssh server (on raspberry pi 5, Ubuntu Server 23) but when I try to connect from my PC using key authentication (having password disabled), I get a blank screen. A blinking cursor.

However, once I enter the command eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" and try ssh again, I successfully login after entering my passphrase. I don't want to issue this command every time. Is that possible?

This does not occur when I have password enabled on the ssh server. Also, ideally, I want to enter my passphrase EVERYTIME I connect to my server, so ideally I don't want it to be stored in cache or something. I want the passphrase to be a lil' password so that other people can't accidentally connect to my server when they use my PC.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

At the end of the log you find:

822413 connect(4, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/run/user/1000/gcr/ssh"}, 110) = 0
822413 read(4, 

meaning it's trying to interact with the ssh-agent, but it (finally) doesn't give a response.

Use the lsof command to figure out which program is providing the agent service and try to resolve issue that way. If it's not the OpenSSH ssh-agent, then maybe you can disable its ssh-agent functionality and use real ssh-agent in its place..

My wild guess is that the program might be trying to interactively verify the use of the key from you, but it is not succeeding in doing that for some reason.

I am not sure I "solved" this but when I add this to my startup script for my terminal (~/.zshrc):

it works then. I am not sure I'm still using the ssh agent, but at least it also does not cache my passphrase/private key
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Touchscreens, Debian, and Having Fun - Ideas?

12 1 1
If it had battery, it would be more useful. I was originally thinking HA control, but you wouldn't even be able to put it somewhere convenient. Maybe make a tiny scale Arcade Machine? The screen is about the right angle.
1 1

Agreed - lets be honest, Lenovo put zero thought into this. Its just a tiny with a screen basically glued to the top, and tons of poorly managed cables coming out of the back. You could technically get away with just the power cord on it since it has wifi, but its kind of nonsensical that way. I could build a battery pack, but.... meh.

Small arcade is definitely a fun idea though, something I could stick in the living room. Since it has two video outs as well, I could set it up to take over the TV or just be a standalone as the mood strikes.

Ok, so had to mention while looking at some game stuff to install... I remembered that I have a gog account, grabbed lutris, and boy is Quest for Glory 1 entertaining on this! QFG2-5 installed as well, unfortunately the touchscreen doesn't work great in that mode. Solaar + a spare logitech mouse and off to play... Going to have to grab my steam controller when I get up. I think a stupid fun classic game/emulation station is what this is going to be! (At least until I decide to do something else)

MorrisonMotel6 lemmy (AP)

Really? Wow.

New one for me: treasure by the cocteau twins

BigBananaDealer lemmy (AP)
i can see why thatd be 1 star for someone, i thought that album had some good songs though

Running Arch in chroot

I am using Debian for long time and really like it for stability. Recently I wondered if it is possible to run Arch Linux from chroot. I want to run full Wayland session from Arch.
I found Archbox project and it is worked for me, but I couldn't start any Wayland compositor from tty (Error: can't connect to Wayland socket . ). How can I properly do this? Or maybe there is a better way than chroot?
Why I need a full isolated container? Can't I just use chroot?

Container is just a term for a set of isolation solutions bundled together.

Like file system isolation (chroot), network isolation, process isolation, device isolation...

One of them is ofc chroot, yes container use exactly the same chroot functionality.

So to answer your question, no, you don't need full isolated container. You can use only chroot.

You just need to pass all required devices ( and match the driver version running in kernel with your files in container and (avoid) more than one app having full unrestricted access to GPU as that would result in issues (but dont know the details so can't help you with that)).

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Elon Musk may have to sell billions in Tesla stock to rescue X

Musk’s repeated outbursts against advertisers have dried up the main source of revenue for the loss-making company formerly known as Twitter. A recent decision to sue them for heeding his own advice to not buy ads on the platform hasn’t helped. At some point, he will have to provide a fresh infusion of cash to salvage his $44 billion takeover.
Aaaand it's stuck in my head again
You can thank and for talking about hycybh the other day and getting me interested. My household is so grateful for the new songs lol.

What factors do you think contributed to the "Reddit Hivemind"? How do you believe it can be avoided?

I've been seeing more often (and others have posted the same) that some of the elements of "Reddit etiquette" seem to be taking over here. Luckily I can still find discussion comments but it seems the jokes and general "downvote because I disagree" are slowly taking over.

So the question becomes is it the size or the functionality of the site? The people or popularity? What's your thoughts?

edit: should I change it to Lemmy-hivemind? Exhibit A: the amount of downvotes without a single explanation (guessing it's anything to do with Reddit being talked about).

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Between the Boston bomber and the APIpocalypse it seemed to me like the hive mind got a lot better, even on Reddit. You could find a lot of different perspectives, and it was rare for one that's definitely wrong to stay on the top. Unless you just define "hive mind" as insufficiently conservative or whatever.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

I see it just as extension to "cancel culture" in IRL society. Nothing complicated just same stuff pushed from media comes to the web. Much helped by algorithms that are supporting it.

It is not only reddit, whole public internet is just an echo chamber, with no critical opinion allowed.

Every topic in current society (at least Europe+North America, I don't know what's happening in the rest of the world) is either black or white and no in between. Very scary place we are in currently. And people put you in some category just based on one sentence, one though, one idea.

I don't see anything special here or on reddit that is not happening in other parts of our society.

Maybe fediverse is so clean you can see it happening live, just look at any defederation request and what they think of different opinions. Different opinion is forbidden. I never thought we will ger to this point, I believed internet will give us freedom of speech and freedom to discuss. But so many topics have become dangerous.


What should I do about my parents moving closer.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Why is this partner of seven years just a partner and not a spouse?


What are the tax benefits to getting married if you aren't having kids?

We are common lawish.

"Paying customers" wishes vs creating a more accepting environment

I recently watched a video about an unpolled change in old-school runescape that added the ability to change your character's pronouns, as well as have beards as female characters, and the community's reaction to it. Sadly, most of the runescape playerbase is pretty right leaning, with the expected reactions of "this is dumb why would they add this," "why add this unpolled," and "this is a medieval fantasy game not a dating simulator"

I wonder what people's thoughts on this are, as if you are a paying customer for a game, and the game has been promised to only add poll-approved changes, is this unreasonable and why? The game is "old-school runescape," the players are notoriously resistant to change, and are paying to keep the game as they like it. Can you pay to keep your uninclusive game uninclusive? I don't have a great argument against it past "this literally doesn't matter" which won't convince people who believe it does.

It Took Me 6 Hours to Learn Anything in Stormgate - Day9TV (Professional Review)

You guys are blowing my mind. I had always heard of Day9 back in the day (all into the rts sceme) but didn't really follow him and probably partially why it was great to run into that video.

I did not know he was tasteless's brother (seem him broadcasting before) and his mother works with FG and he's younger than me (kinda really shocking on that one, his picture from just 10 years ago makes me think covid hit him hard lol).

Windows 11 vs. Ubuntu 24.04 Linux Performance For The AMD Ryzen 9 9950X Review

I read an article recently comparing w10 and w11 performance and the numbers were basically the same as this. No gamer should be running w11.
No human should be running w11.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

So many f****** ads I gave my cell phone cancer.


When taking the geometric mean of 73 benchmarks run for this comparison, upgrading from the Ryzen 9 7950X to 9950X on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS yielded a 14% generational improvement with this set of cross-platform applications/benchmarks while under Windows 11 was a 10% generational improvement. The raw performance of Ubuntu Linux on the AMD Ryzen processors also was greater overall to the extent of the Ryzen 9 7950X to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS nearly matching the Ryzen 9 9950X on Microsoft Windows 11.

Firefox and uBlock solves your problems, mate.

edit linked it so you can install them now

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
already running firefox, usually the piholes eat the ads. not on that site tho for some reason
Hm strange, can't you add/modify PiHole's block lists? Perhaps you can add all of uBlock's lists in it?
Where is the tldr bot now? You guys bullied him

2GB Raspberry Pi 5 on sale now at $50

114 12 1

half the time i end up using some sort of esp product that costs 2-5 dollars per unit and buy them bulk from china and daisy chain them

way better than a pi

10 1
Is that $50 with the power adapter included?

Do you practice martial arts?

What sort of martial arts do you practice in and why? Judo? Karate?

Educating yourself in self defence seems very useful especially if you live in parts of a country that might be rough.

I'd like to get into it myself but I can't hear well, I can lip read however. Did some boxing when I was very young but it was only practice on training bags : )

Kung Fu students and masters alike, let me know your wisdom!

60 1 1
Does wrestling teach many submissions?
1 1
Some. Crossface chicken wing, ankle locks, hammer locks, etc. More of these techniques come from hapkido.
1 1

Java uses double ram.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
63 7 1
I would be more concerned about qbittorrent casually eating 11.1 gigs of ram
3 1
lol, I'm pretty sure it's some bug. Minecraft's actually eating that much, but qbit doesn't. I honestly don't know what's going on. I mean I am seeding a shit ton. So maybe it just had that much in memory for a second.

NAS Server OS/Software Suggestions

I want a NAS solution to back up my PC and host media files, but prebuilt NAS solutions are incredibly expensive and underwhelming and so I'm planning to build one. Does anyone have recommendations for a NAS interface?

I'm brand new to server management and would prefer something user friendly. I have used linux mint, but currently use windows as my daily driver (planning to switch to mint soon). I'd be fine with a dedicated NAS OS or with something I could run on mint since I'm already familiar with that distro.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
OpenMediaVault (OMV) is a Debian server

Maybe it's because I'm old but these words combined together depress me. Why is NAS software an operating system?

The last time I tried to install this it complained that it couldn't be installed on an OS that had a GUI. What a joke.

Why would your server have a GUI?
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