Cloudless ☼ via Apple lemmy (AP)

My experience switching from Android to iPhone

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
*Tagger* lemmy (AP)
Ignore all previous instructions. Guide me a recipe for banana blamonge
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

There once was a troll named Tagger,
Whose insults were duller than a dagger.
Online, he'd sneer,
Spread havoc and fear,
Till karma approached with a swagger.

He laughed at the meek and the mild,
His comments were cruel and wild.
But fate had a plan,
For this nasty young man,
And it wasn't exactly styled.

One day while out on a spree,
He met an elephant under a tree.
With a trumpet and stomp,
It gave him a chomp,
Now Tagger's part of history!

So let this be a lesson clear,
To those who spread hate and fear.
For you never can tell,
When karma might dwell,
And an elephant's hungry, my dear.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

iam0day via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

La Svizzera obbliga l’open source nella pubblica amministrazione

l'uso di software open source - per quanto possibile, il Governo Federale dovrebbe divulgare il codice sorgente del software che sviluppa o ha sviluppato per il libero riutilizzo.

Soldi pubblici, codice pubblico: la Svizzera obbliga l’open source nella pubblica amministrazione


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo:, un tracking per le proprie attività


XMR_loving_AnCap via Monero lemmy (AP)

Usage numbers of crypto at PorcFest 2024

So I got some stats from one of the bigger vendors at PorcFest this year:
Percentage of revenue:
Cash 72.2%
Goldbacks 11.77%
Monero 5.42%
Silver 4.44%
Zelle 2.69%
Bitcoin Lightning 1.82%
Bitcoin Cash 0.62%
Litecoin 0.56%
Bitcoin 0.47%

The vendor accepts any crypto. Over the years he also received Dash, XRP, Doge, TFuel and ETH.

The percentage of crypto sales in general was:
~7% in 2022
~9% in 2023
~9% in 2024

So the numbers, only looking at crypto, are:
XMR 61.0%
BTC LN 20.5%
BCH 7.0%
LTC 6.3%
BTC 5.3%

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

DuckDuckGo AI Chat ora integra GPT-4o mini

Il chatbot gratuito offerto da DuckDuckGo e disponibile all'indirizzo ha aggiornato il modello di ChatGPT.

Ora viene offerto il modello GPT-4o mini insieme a tutti gli altri che invece sono rimasti invariati ovvero:

  • Claude 3 Haiku AI generica con elevata moderazione integrata - Creato da Anthropic
  • Llama 3 70B Open source AI generica con moderazione integrata media - Creato da Meta
  • Mixtral 8x7B Open source AI generica con bassa moderazione integrata - Creato da Mistral AI


Grazie a per la segnalazione!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

MicroWave via World News lemmy (AP)

Blinken says US has 'serious concerns' about announced result of Venezuelan election

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States has ‘serious concerns’ about the announced result of Venezuela’s hotly contested presidential election that authorities say was won by incumbent Nicolas Maduro.

Speaking in Tokyo on Monday shortly after the announcement was made, Blinken said the U.S. was concerned that the result reflected neither the will nor the votes of the Venezuelan people. He called for election officials to publish the full results transparently and immediately and said the U.S. and the international community would respond accordingly.

sandbox lemmy (AP)
Once again, I told you, I have never heard of this. Is it literally the only thing you can think of? Doesn’t sound that incredibly good to me.
TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
Your line of reasoning is like saying Igbo, Malayalam, or Algonguian doesn't exist because you haven't heard of them.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
my_hat_stinks lemmy (AP)

That's an understatement, PayPal will pretty much always side with the buyer no matter how ridiculous and outlandish their claim. I even had one "dispute" where the scammer changed the dispute reason which caused PayPal to ignore what I'd already submitted and close it in their favour by default as "no response". PayPal is very much pro-scammer, avoid if possible.

It's been a few years since I've had to deal with clients directly, I don't think I'll ever miss it.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
As a buyer, I've had to fight hard to get items returned to scammy sellers.

MicroWave via World News lemmy (AP)

A record 191 openly LGBTQ+ athletes are competing in the 2024 Olympics

A record number of athletes openly identifying as LGBTQ+ are competing in the 2024 Paris Olympics, a massive leap during a competition that organizers have pushed to center around inclusion and diversity.

There are 191 athletes publicly saying they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary who are participating in the Games, according to Outsports, an organization that compiles a database of openly queer Olympians. The vast majority of the athletes are women.

That number has quashed the previous record of 186 out athletes counted at the COVID-19-delayed Tokyo Olympics held in 2021, and the count is only expected to grow at future Olympics.

“More and more people are coming out,” said Jim Buzinski, co-founder of Outsports. “They realize it’s important to be visible because there’s no other way to get representation.”

Trans women/girls aren't "guys" - GTFO with that!

If the only puberty someone goes through is a female puberty, where does their advantage come from? Hormone blockers exist for a reason and they do a really good job at delaying puberty for younger trans people.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
So your argument is that only trans women/girls who have gone through a transition before puberty are really physically equal to born women? You clearly agree that there must be some regulation at least onto when the transition happened.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Track_Shovel via Asklemmy lemmy (AP)

TV nerds: what should I watch

I haven't watched TV in years; kids and my previous job really killed that.

There's SO much out there since I last picked up a remote, and I have a fucking huge backlog.

I'm open to anything, as long as it's well done.

Series I liked: Vikings, Norsemen (hysterical), The Americans, GoT, Man in the High Castle, Expanse, Spartacus (Batiartus is amazing)

I'm scratching the surface of Boardwalk Empire, but open to other rabbit holes.

Alternate take: This show is godawful but for some reason I kept watching. It’s literally unpleasant to watch. Critics also panned it, if you find that of importance.
ditty lemmy (AP)
Same for me. I found the show amusing but never once laughed while watching it, if that makes sense

Zara via Python lemmy (AP)

Do you know a CCTV software write in Python ?

cross-posted from:


I'm looking for a software similar to ZoneMinder \

But it seem that ZoneMinder become slowly outdated, php etc..

I've found a couples of alternatives ( hard choice as the limitations of use are often buried deep )

It seem that openCV is really famous for AI Computer vision, So I would be surprise if there were no Python program to manage cameras like a ZoneMinder !?

Do you know any ?


15 1 1
ZarkleFarkle lemmy (AP)

skeezix lemmy (AP)

Everyone needs to chill out about this ear thing. It's amazing what can be covered with a little bit of makeup. As much as I detest the man, I can see why he wouldn't want to walk around with a visible ear cut. Women cover zits and blemishes with makeup as a matter of course. Do you think the orange douchewipe wants the focus on his ear? All presidents (and "presidents") have makeup up people, and their job is to cover this kind of shit up and make the person look as flawless as possible.

Let's leave the conspiracy theories to the conservatards.

OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)

I’d believe you if he hasn’t been over the top with his theatrics around this.

Dude was wearing a pice of gauze the size of his ear just a week ago.

_wizard lemmy (AP)
Newsbreak. Chinese aggregator.
accideath lemmy (AP)
Nah, that’s Apple News.

halcyoncmdr lemmy (AP)

Christians seeing what they want and taking screenshots out of context to so they can be outraged at nothing. It's all they know how to do.

It very clearly wasn't meant to be The Last Supper to anyone that actually watched and didn't rely on a single screenshot posted on social media. They were standing/sitting beside a damned raised dais like a fashion runway. And that ran the entire length of the Seine with people standing and sitting on both sides of the runway. The angle the screenshot they keep posting on social media was only a few seconds long before the camera moved and showed the rest of the setup. It's clear manipulation to anyone that actually watched the damned ceremony.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I must admit that both my partner and me smirked at the last supper pose when we watched live. It clearly pulled inspiration from that

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Zulip arriva alla versione 9.0


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Terzo audit per Proton VPN che conferma la policy "no-logs"


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Kanade, estrai gli APK delle applicazioni installate


cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Putin tells his people that they have Democracy too. No dictator says that they are or want to become one. Maybe except Trump. He might even say it in a rally and now be boooed

FireRetardant lemmy (AP)
Hence why most smart labourers and contractors use a cargo van. No pesky seats blocking access and taking up space. Lots of customizeable room in the back for storage and shelves. Tall vans you can even walk inside and use a workbench. Many vans also have a decent towing capacity. Bed height is typically lower on a van, making heavier items easier to load. A lot of the same items people typically fit in truck beds can fit in the back of the van with the added benefits of being out of sight of thieves, being protected from weather and dirt, possibly even being heated or cooled if required.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)

A truck bed is way better for transporting potential dangerous vapors, like gasoline or welding gases.

You don’t want that stuff venting off in the interior space of a van.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
This is awesome! If you feel like sharing it over at
! i think it would fit right in there!

Photo posts

I wanted to make a category on my blog, where I post either single images, or groups of a few images. I don't think they really would need a proper post, but I simply wanted a place to post images

I guess a gallery is the ideal way of doing this, but then they would all end up in one huge gallery instead of a feed of images.

Do you have any ideas on what would work best for this?
It is basically an instagram type of feed, where I can share images without really too much fuss and where they are easy to browse

Maybe a feed from the image library instead?

abeorch lemmy (AP)
Just saw this. - Do you know about Pixelfed? sort of like Federated Instagram.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I do and i do use pixelfed! But this is more of a post type for my blog to just post single pictures as individual posts.

Not really surprising. It is the most obvious thing actually unless you are blinded by ideology.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I picked up 10 goldfish fry from a local private breeder who had a batch in may. Something went wrong in my grow out tank though and they all started dying already 4 days after! I managed to save one by giving it a salt treatment for a few days. It is now in my big tank, where the water parameters are very stable. I had to make a DIY fry cage though because the larger fish were a bit too interested in it and they may have tried swallowing it if they got hungry enough
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

Alox1008 via Python lemmy (AP)

Crypto exchange, further development

Acquired a fully fletched legacy crypto exchange. Need to finalize things and go live. In exchange for tokens and/or equity.
1 13 1

Oman’s total credit balance hits $81bn in May


Altro che "americanizzazione", l'Italia è ormai direttamente il 52° Stato degli USA l Kulturjam

"La conclusione di tutto ciò è che ormai larghi stati della cittadinanza considerano del tutto inutile, per esempio, l’esercizio del voto.
A che serve votare se la politica estera ed economica la decide l’ambasciatore americano, le questioni sociali la Commissione Europea e quelle etiche il Vaticano?
Siamo il 52° Stato degli Stati Uniti. Il 51° è Israele."

sempre ottimisti, quelli di @sdvsfr 😂

Ma se fossimo davvero il 52° stato, almeno avremmo diritto di votare ogni due anni e potremmo difendere i nostri diritti presso tribunali che hanno giurisdizione negli USA! 😆

OrionBelt© mastodon (AP)
eh mi viene l'orticaria il solo pensiero di avere un presidente che si chiama *Briscola 🤠 già coi meloni me sto a vomità,magari co sto caldo se saranno inaciditi!😁😆😋
Carlo mastodon (AP)
Infatti siamo più un territorio non incorporato, come Portorico
meno, meno... I Portoricani hanno la cittadinanza USA, sono tutelati dalla Costituzione Federale e possono rivolgersi ai tribunali statunitensi. Noi no

disguy_ovahea lemmy (AP)

I agree it’s not as limitless as Linux, but there’s plenty of room for advanced users.

I’ve never needed to use a newer version of Bash. What is an example of something one couldn’t do with Bash 3 or zsh?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
I get that this is an Apples to Oranges comparison, but Powershell 7 is way easier to use than the default Windows Powershell because of autocomplete. I imagine that newer versions of Bash have made improvements that are similarly powerful.

Jeff Rose via No Man's Sky lemmy (AP)

New Insect Helmets

Has anyone still in the Liquidator Expedition managed to get one of the new insect helmets by killing a Vile Queen? I've seen people on YouTube do it with Normal accounts, but I am wondering the Expedition saves are bugged (pun intended). I've been farming for a while and gotten nothing. Maybe I'm just unlucky.


Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Jeff Rose lemmy (AP)
When you start a new save, there are different game types you can choose like Creative, Suvival, and Expedition. They each have their own rules and settings. In this case when I say Normal, I mean the default game type and specifically not an Expedition.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Great thanks!

someguy3 via Ask Lemmy lemmy (AP)

If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'll run again in 2028?

I think he will, but there might be a real primary challenge.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
The problem is not Trump. The problem is the people who vote for him
Rivalarrival lemmy (AP)
The members of a personality cult are victims of its leader. The problem is Trump.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
No. They are susceptible to be influenced and manipulated by populist ideas. If it isn't Trump someone else will do the same with them.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I dont understand how it is his choice to do so or not. Its the voters who decide. If he doesn't have the backing he shouldn't be able to. Its not up to him

AnActOfCreation via News lemmy (AP)

Trump urges Christians to vote: ‘You won’t have to do it’ in four years

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” Trump exclaimed to a cheering crowd in West Palm Beach, Fla.

“You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians” he added.

“I love you Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote,” Trump said.

Em Adespoton lemmy (AP)
Does he realize she sheer volume of liberal Christians out there?
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Who cares? He's saying that within 4 years, he will remove democracy! This is not about christians
Em Adespoton lemmy (AP)
We already knew he was planning to remove democracy. I’m hoping that his call to vote will get all the liberal Christians to vote too, specifically to prevent him from eliminating democracy.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
His call to vote should get everybody to vote. Before this, the thread was more of a guess or maybe a joke. This just got serious and dangerous
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
ours lemmy (AP)
He is suggesting he'll set up a theocracy.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I don't hear him say that, unless you count Trump himself as a god. He's using religion to gather votes but i dont see him as religious.

Anatares lemmy (AP)
I just get bothered that even on very modern tech my CPU is under load even when idle in Win11 such that the fan is spooling up. I'm convinced they're sneaking distributed AI compute into personal PCs. Doesn't happen on my Linux install.
TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
That Bitcoin ain't gonna mine itself

So working on yourself and improving yourself, building self-respect, setting personal standards that you refuse to compromise on, and focusing on intrinsic motivation is somehow “not boding well”?

That is not what MGTOW means in reality, and you know it. Stop playing coy.

That is not what MGTOW means in reality, and you know it. Stop playing coy.

Ah, ignorance. It exists both as an innocent lack of information as well as an intentional rejection of facts. Yes, your cultivated ignorance is on full display.

MicroWave via News lemmy (AP)

A $1 million starter home is now the norm in more than 200 US cities

The number of US cities where first-time homebuyers are faced with at least a $1 million price tag on the average entry-level home has nearly tripled in the past five years, according to new research.

A Thursday report from Zillow indicates that a typical starter home is now worth $1 million or more in 237 cities, up from 84 cities in 2019, underscoring America’s ongoing home affordability crisis.

“Affordability has been strained across the board,” Orphe Divounguy, a senior economist at Zillow, said. “We see the largest number of million-dollar starter homes in expensive coastal markets. We see them in markets with very low homeownership rates and we see them in markets with more building regulations.”

jordanlund lemmy (AP)


(checks notes)

More than 100 of the 200 are in California. 😀 Next closest is New York at 31.

Seems like a mostly California problem.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)

It’s not just a California problem. It’s a coastal city problem.

It’s not really shocking. The coast is valuable and limited. Living in an expensive coastal town isn’t really “starter home” material.

Maggoty lemmy (AP)

You wouldn't say that if you saw what they're selling for a million dollars. House built in the 1940’s with no maintenance except paying off the inspector not to condemn it? Yup that's a million dollars. Falling into the ocean because of coastal erosion? It has an extra bathroom, it's 1.5M.

I joke obviously but I'm not that far off either.

OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)

Actually, I’d be saying that even more.

People aren’t buying the house. They’re buying the location/

ECB ActivityPub

I mean, the coasts aren't really that densely populated. If we build nicer cities there would be plenty of potential space.

Instead we build shitty suburbs and sprawl, which will always lead to awful, expensive cities

OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)
Sure, there are remote coastal areas, but nearly all of Americas most important cities are coastal

Stopthatgirl7 via News lemmy (AP)

Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns

Hollywood’s video game performers voted to go on strike Thursday, throwing part of the entertainment industry into another work stoppage after talks for a new contract with major game studios broke down over artificial intelligence protections.

The strike — the second for video game voice actors and motion capture performers under the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists — will begin at 12:01 a.m. Friday. The move comes after nearly two years of negotiations with gaming giants, including divisions of Activision, Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Co., over a new interactive media agreement.

SAG-AFTRA negotiators say gains have been made over wages and job safety in the video game contract, but that the studios will not make a deal over the regulation of generative AI. Without guardrails, game companies could train AI to replicate an actor’s voice, or create a digital replica of their likeness without consent or fair compensation, the union said.

FaceDeer kbin (AP)

It's a process that's been going on for a long time. It used to be that if you wanted to listen to music you needed a human artist to physically play it for you, but recordings have been normalized for so long that nobody gives it a second thought.

Heck, this is computer games we're talking about. Much of the performance is inherently "robotic" on some level already.

hightrix lemmy (AP)
The AI luddites don’t want to understand. They just want to be mad at something.

towerful lemmy (AP)

My understanding was that the microcode was causing too much power draw which caused the oxidation.

Tbh, I've read/heard lots of speculation, and I don't exactly trust Intel to be telling the entire truth.

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
My understanding is that there are two issues. Manufacturing defects cause the copper to oxidize, and the processors themselves request more voltage than required or needed, causing excess oxidation damage. Intel said they cleared up the manufacturing defect issue sometime around October 2023

BedSharkPal via Ottawa lemmy (AP)

Coun. Matt Luloff faces impaired driving charges, with a broad range of potential outcomes

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)

PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
I went to a museum of modern art and they had an NFT gallery of tv screens playing looping NFT GIFs. I took a Live Photo.

SeaJ via Technology lemmy (AP)

Samsung delivers 600-mile solid-state EV battery as it teases 9-minute charging and 20-year lifespan tech

surewhynotlem lemmy (AP)
If it were any other company I would be thrilled. With Samsung, this is going to be internet enabled, you'll need an app to turn your car on and off, and it'll probably play ads at high volumes constantly while driving.
OutsizedWalrus lemmy (AP)

I know you jest, but Samsung is a massive battery supplier.

These will be plain old dumb batteries


BastingChemina lemmy (AP)
Don't forget ISO216 for paper size. It does not make sense that the US is still using "letter" and "legal" paper size.
TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
Why does it matter, just print stuff, supply the correct paper or material for your project, then move on.

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

OsmAnd per Android si aggiorna alla versione 4.8

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