skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

OsmAnd per Android si aggiorna alla versione 4.8


Kecessa lemmy (AP)

No they haven't and HD2 is the only game for which they removed the requirement for PSN.

I'm 100% sure when player count has dropped enough they'll add PSN back.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Yeah it mostly feels like the only thing they regret, is the way they informed about it

Valerie Tarazi: Palestinian flag-bearer for Paris 2024 speaks to TRT


Atlantis is lost: How the Israeli army's plan to flood Hamas' Gaza tunnels failed


Valerie Tarazi: Palestinian flag-bearer for Paris 2024 speaks to TRT


ditty lemmy (AP)
Wise guys I tell ya; last week I checked into a hotel and I asked the bellhop to handle my bag - he started feeling up my wife

Israel’s Never-Ending Wars on Its Neighbors & What Comes Next, w/ Ghadi Francis


Berin via Python lemmy (AP)

New Community for Ren'Py Game Engine

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
32 1
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
4 1

US foreign policy fails again, this time against the Houthis

To date, the US has lost at least three Reaper drones over Yemen, each costing $30m.

Estimates of the total cost of the operation range between $260m and $573m per month – that is, between $1.8bn and $4bn so far.

None of the US and its allies’ actions in the Red Sea have stopped the disruption of shipping lanes. Shipping and insurance costs have soared.

President Biden himself has admitted that the strikes against Houthis do not work. Yet, he has refused to stop them even as experts are suggesting that “strategic inaction” may in fact be more effective. He has also refused to use the most effective way to stop the Houthis: to press Israel into putting an end to the genocide in Gaza. The Houthis have repeatedly made clear that their attacks will stop as soon as there is a ceasefire.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

US medics volunteered in Gaza: Death toll is more than 92,000


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Se avete problemi a vedere video YouTube su NewPipe o altre app... aggiornate!

C'è stato ancora un problema per quel che riguarda la visualizzazione dei video YouTube sulle applicazioni alternative come ad esempio NewPipe, PipePipe o Grayjay.

I problemi dovrebbero essere stati già risolti su tutte e tre le piattaforme citate ma assicuratevi di avere le ultime release installate:

  • NewPipe assicuratevi di avere almeno la versione 0.27.2 installata. C'è già l'APK del sito o su GitHub. Su F-Droid invece deve ancora arrivare.
  • PipePipe assicuratevi di avere installato la 3.6.1. C'è già su GitHub ma non ancora su F-Droid.
  • Grayjay aprite l'applicazione (che si può scaricare da qui) e aggiornate il plugin YouTube all'ultima versione che dovrebbe essere la 187.

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Su /e/OS 2.2 arriva il Parental Control


skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Maccy, un clipboard manager per macOS, svela la versione 2.0

Il clipboard manager open source (licenza MIT) ed esclusivo per macOS svela la versione 2.0 che introdurrà diverse novità. Parlo al futuro perché la versione è ancora in una prima beta.

Ci sono diversi aggiornamenti tecnici come il passaggio dell'interfaccia da AppKit + NSMenu a SwiftUI + NSPanel e il sistema di archiviazione passa da Core Data a SwiftData.

Viene detto che l'aggiornamento è retrocompatibile con la versione 1.x di Maccy ma non con le versioni 0.x e richiede come sistema operativo minimo macOS 14 Sonoma.

Maccy serve a gestire la clipboard (cioè i copia e incolla) con scorciatoie, frasi fissate, storia e ricerca interna.


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: Battaglia Navale per Android


Zagorath via Australia lemmy (AP)

How Gina Rinehart and her backers pressured the NGA to remove her portrait

The article isn't entirely clear to me, but it seems that her pressure was unsuccessful.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I've seen this portrait so many times by now, and still not sure who she is. If she had just shrugged over it, I may never have seen it. It's the new Barbra Streisand effect on steroids

SeaJ via Seattle lemmy (AP)

Monsanto agrees to $160 million settlement with Seattle over pollution in the Duwamish River

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
So... they simply settled on a pricetag for breaking the law

GroundedGator via politics lemmy (AP)

My Uncle Donald Trump Told Me Disabled Americans Like My Son ‘Should Just Die’

“Those people . . . ” Donald said, trailing off. “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”

“I don’t know,” he finally said, letting out a sigh. “He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”

Wait! What did he just say? That my son doesn’t recognize me? That I should just let him die?

Did he really just say that? That I should let my son die . . . so I could move down to Florida

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear Donald say that. It wasn’t far off from what he’d said that day in the Oval Office after our meeting with the advocates. Only that time, it was other people’s children who should die. This time, it was my son.

What did he expect? At least he sticks to his terrible standards even when it's (distant) family

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)

The streaming platform does not matter. You can use anything you want. Its the actual act of playing music that often requires a licence depending on where you are. I live in a scandinavian country and have to pay a fee depending on the store size. 100 square meters would cost $60

(Interestingly i subconsciously converted to $... if you've worked retail in a tourist destination you must have heard 'how much is this in dollars?' but not really the same question for any other currency

MicroWave via News lemmy (AP)

Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides

Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat.

Michael Berkheimer was dining with his wife and friends at a wing joint in Hamilton, Ohio, and had ordered the usual — boneless wings with parmesan garlic sauce — when he felt a bite-size piece of meat go down the wrong way. Three days later, feverish and unable to keep food down, Berkeimer went to the emergency room, where a doctor discovered a long, thin bone that had torn his esophagus and caused an infection.

In a 4-3 ruling, the Supreme Court said Thursday that “boneless wings” refers to a cooking style, and that Berkheimer should’ve been on guard against bones since it’s common knowledge that chickens have bones. The high court sided with lower courts that had dismissed Berkheimer’s suit.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)

What is the difference between chicken nuggets and boneless wings? The article mentions that boneless wings are 'of course' nuggets of breast meat.

I wonder if they'd have agreed that nuggets can have bones too?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
sudo lemmy (AP)

One of the justices literally writes about that. In this article.

“The question must be asked: Does anyone really believe that the parents in this country who feed their young children boneless wings or chicken tenders or chicken nuggets or chicken fingers expect bones to be in the chicken? Of course they don’t,” Justice Michael P. Donnelly wrote in dissent.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Ah! I didn't get that far. I must have gotten lost in the ads or missed the 'read more' and thought that the article was finished
bamboo lemmy (AP)
Usually a boneless wing is a chunk of meat, with identifiable meat fibers and such. Just a breaded and fried chunk of breast. Whereas chicken nuggets are usually made from ground chicken, often molded into a few different shapes.
cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
Interesting thanks!

_Cid_ lemmy (AP)
Wasn't Nördlingen the Attack on Titan town?
ditty lemmy (AP)
Good catch!

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
They are offering them homes right?.... right??

MicroWave via World News lemmy (AP)

Chinese students arrested over drone footage of U.S. aircraft carrier

Three Chinese students are under investigation over footage captured by a drone of a United States aircraft carrier and naval facilities in South Korea in June, local police said on Wednesday.

The suspects are aged between 30 and 49 and are studying in Busan, a port city located on the southeastern coast of South Korea, where U.S. Navy aircraft carriers frequently visit.

The Chinese nationals were caught flying a drone toward South Korea's Naval Operations Command in Busan where aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt was docked on June 25, local police said. They are accused of illegally filming the vessel and military facilities.

cosmicrookie lemmy (AP)
I rember being allowed on to Theodore Roosevelt as a teen in the early 90s when they had a stop close to one of the islands in Greece. Its a huge ship!

abhi9u via Technology lemmy (AP)

Two Threads, One Core: How Simultaneous Multithreading Works Under the Hood

ditty lemmy (AP)
Super informative and well-written. I thought I was interested to learn about how multithreadinging works but I am falling asleep trying to get through this article; that's on me though! 😅

Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris

93 7 1


Jesus what an L

2 5 1
veee lemmy (AP)
Good advertising strategy.
5 1


Do you think the world would have been a better place if there were no religions?

49 9 1
Hikermick lemmy (AP)
Something i read during the beginning of the Iraq War put things in perspective. During the time of monarchies it was suicidal to challenge them . Religion provided a balance because you can't kill God. Kings and queens learned to work with religious leaders to help deal with the populace. Democracy made it less necessary. I don't know if any of this is true but it does make sense
j4k3 lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

What are your thoughts on restricting children’s access to pornography online?

There are a lot of GOP-controller legislatures in the USA pushing through so-called “child protection” laws, but there’s a toll in the form of impacting people’s rights and data privacy. Most of these bills involve requiring adults to upload a copy of their photo ID.

What should the policy for racism be in schools?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
5 2 1
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
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freagle lemmy (AP)

Keep going! I think you still need more precision. Your racialized students are all victims of racism at nearly all times. What you're talking about is when racialized students are victims of harm (which comes in many forms) where that harm is the intimate form of structural racism.

So when someone uses a racial slur, racialized people experience harm if they are exposed to it. A) what is that harm if the slur was used at them versus if that slur was used near them but not at them? B) is there harm if no racialized people are exposed to that event?

Being able to articulate these sorts of nuances in a way that is internally consistent will be the result of struggling with these concepts and coming to deeper understandings and the path forward will be clearer.

To put a finer point on it, if a white child, in a room of 5 white children and a white teacher, uses a racial slur, how would you describe that, how would you understand the consequences of that, how would you make the decision on whether and how to intervene, and how would you communicate your decision in context?

2 1

TheGalacticVoid lemmy (AP)
I miss unhinged communities like AnarchyChess and Okbuddychicanery.

[OC] Is your D&D Group Dysfunctional?

Hey folks! This week we explore a potentially controversial topic: Is your D&D Group dysfunctional? If you have that nagging feeling that something is not working well in your gaming group, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is, then this video will hopefully expand your vocabulary and set you on the path to making things better.

I say it in the video, but I will also write it down here explicitly. A dysfunctional group does not mean it's a group made of bad people. It's just a group that does not function as well as it should.

agileadventurer lemmy (AP)
Ouch! I feel for you. That must have been a very bad experience.
PerogiBoi lemmy (AP)
The worst part is that the organizer who hosts these sessions does so at my towns local used book store and when I messaged her and told her I wouldn’t be attending anymore she told me I wasn’t welcome at her shop anymore.

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Paisa, un'app per tenere traccia delle spese, diventerà a codice chiuso

Paisa è una delle tante applicazioni per tenere traccia delle proprie spese. È sempre stata un'applicazione open source ma da poco il suo sviluppatore ha annunciato che non lo sarà più per via delle numerose copie che vengono create e messe sul Play Store.

I’m gonna make app closed source since copy apps in play store are getting increasing (link Telegram)

Per questo motivo è già stata rimossa da F-Droid e da IzzyOnDroid e anche io l'ho rimossa dall'articolo Tenere traccia delle spese.

Se la usate o se avevate intenzione di provarla tenetene conto.


77 4 1
ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠 lemmy (AP)
How would that be pronounced?
anon6789 lemmy (AP)

skariko via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Element X Android arriva alla versione v0.5.0


Hamas, Fatah agree to end divisions, form unity govt


Genocide in Gaza and the decline of a flawed world order


Botolo via Le Alternative lemmy (AP)

Nuovo articolo: L’impercettibile robustezza del software non aggiornato

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