Debian 12 install - monitors won't turn off

14 1 1

I've had this problem for years. I contributed to one of the existing bug reports for kscreen on this.

If i dont login to kde (sddm login screen), the screens will shut off normally... But once i login, the problem starts. So i concluded the problem is with kscreen2. I even tested by killijg kscreen2 and the problem goes away

6 1
Interesting. I'll try the kscreen2 kill again.
1 1

Sorry, i dont have all the links available, but the root cause of the problem is apparently with the amdgpu driver

Kscreen was supposed to implement some kind of workaround, but i lost track of how that was going.

2 1
Thanks. That gives me something to look into. Wonder why it didn't happen under Kubuntu...I kept it up to date, but it still might have been too old in some way (X11 instead of Wayland or something).
2 1
9488fcea02a9 lemmy (AP)
Most likely x11 vs wayland
4 1
limelight79 lemmy (AP)
I'm starting to think this really is it, because it again worked while I was away eating lunch - it turned off my monitor that is hooked to the Intel integrated video. The other monitor is currently switched to my work laptop.
bloodfart lemmy (AP)
Switch to x11 and use xscreensaver will fix that problem.
2 3 1

Is everything the worst?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (3 months ago)
SturgiesYrFase lemmy (AP)
I mean, that's a nice info drop, but it doesn't really explain too much. Can you drop me a link to some of his stuff, so I can make my own mind up about it?
viralJ lemmy (AP)
If you Google Steven Pinker, it should show you links to his websites, articles, and books.

Which CLI app/utility you wish there was a GUI for?

For me it's:
Testdisk (and Photorec)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
92 5 1
GuilhermePelayo lemmy (AP)
Lazygit, beautiful, terminal based, runs everywhere
fira959 lemmy (AP)

Thats pretty good, thanks.


Understanding Linux and choosing your first Linux distro, v2.0

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
306 18 1
dubyakay lemmy (AP)

Thanks to this guide I've stopped banging my head against the wall trying to install Arch on a laptop and just ended up putting Mint on it. Nearly everything works out of the box, and Cinnamon seems to be close enough to what a Windows user would expect, and then some, seeing how customizable it is.

I'll bang my head against the wall again once I've familiarized myself with it.

Thanks again OP!

2 1
bsergay lemmy (AP)

Thank you for sharing your experiences!

May I ask you what made you pursue an Arch installation in the first place?

1 1
dubyakay lemmy (AP)
The memes...
2 1
bsergay lemmy (AP)
😂. Thanks for the clarification!
1 1

My opinion doesn't mean much since it's been forever since I tried any other distro but I'm surprised Debian isn't on the beginners list.

it might be a bit too involved for an absolute beginner to configure to perfection

I'm not really sure what this means? It might be more accurate to say it's not the best distro if you'd like to tinker with your desktop experience.

Notably, nothing on the beginners list ought to be run as a headless server, but debian is perfect for that job. The reason I've become so enamoured with debian over the years is that I can use it on my desktop and on servers and it's the same system - everything is exactly where I'm used to it being.

3 1

Echo Dot lemmy (AP)

It is a bit complicated. Any kernel level program that crashes will cause the entire operating system to crash. But it won't cause the system to continuously blue screen because it isn't a required program in the way that crowdstrike was.

Crowdstrike is basically an antivirus program so it has to run when the operating system starts up and if it isn't running then the operating system should not boot for safety reasons. The problem is that if it must be loaded, and it has a crash, then it loads and kills the system. So you get an infinite loop you cannot get out of.

Vanguard only has to run when you're playing online though, so it's not loaded when the system runs, or at least it doesn't have to be. So it won't cause a recurring boot loop. It might fail to load and you wouldn't be able to play online games that require it until they fix it, but it isn't going to prevent the computer from running.

17 2 1
azvasKvklenko lemmy (AP)
Wait, wasn’t Vanguard coming in form of a driver? I don’t use Windows and don’t play games with intrusive software requirements, but I believe I saw someone installing it and showing how it works on YouTube, and if I don’t misremember it, it was in fact a virtual device driver, not just a fully privileged process.
5 1
vpklotar lemmy (AP)
Yup, I seem to remember the same thing and I also seem to remember it being loaded at boot. Iirc you can stop it when the system has started and you've logged in but then you have to reboot in order for it to load again so you can plain. But same, I also don't use windows and haven't played leaugh for many many years.
1 1
Echo Dot lemmy (AP)

I haven't really used it because I don't play any games that require it but my understanding is that it just installs itself as a required program but you can just go into program manage and turn that off because you don't have to have it and I think if it's not running starting the game should then cause the program to run.

If not you can just set up a script to do it anyway so I can't see why it wouldn't work like that.

Tartas1995 lemmy (AP)
I could be wrong but I think it runs on boot. So it would loop into bsod.
13 1
Cypher lemmy (AP)

You just answered it for yourself.

Also to absolutely not provide a backdoor for a certain hostile government.

1 1

[IC] Hiexa G Series---G60 New Mounting, Quick-release Button, Brass Weight, LED Strips, Magnetic Connector, Tri-mode HS PCB Custom Keyboard

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
37 5 1

Why is this post just links to images and discord? Those are two huge red flags that an item is just a scam.

You have a website, why not link to it?

Hiexakey lemmy (AP)
Thank you very much for your reminder. I hadn't realized that before you pointed it out. I have now added the link to our official website in the post. Thanks again.

151 5 1
"The most secure system is a system that's not live. Crowdstrike, bringing you the best-in-class security."
32 1
Possibly linux lemmy (AP)
"I don't test often but when I do it is in production"
12 2 1
JWBananas lemmy (AP)



16 1

Someone left a 4 inch rock rock with a line circle carved in it in the dirt next to my door

What do you guys think was the intention with this? I recently had an episode of mania, and was behaving a bit oddly, but I confirmed with my mother (this was her condo I'm renting it) that it wasn't here when she left and I've never seen it before :|
Hobo code, perhaps? --

Why would a chain retail employer take more than a month to give you shifts if at all?

Is there some advantage in having employees just doing nothing? I got an offer in early june, got paid for training and induction, got the uniform, and then, radio silence.

I chased them up on the phone three times and today, when I called yet again they asked me to send them an email at a specific address. It's been over a month after I got the training btw.

I realise I need to look for new job obviously as these idiots are pulling my leg. But can someone explain why would they bother with recruitment if they don't need staff?

61 1
orcrist lemmy (AP)

Chain and large businesses have bad internal communication. Assume that hiring and scheduling never speak, ever. But it doesn't matter, because the fact that it's been a month means they don't want you.

That all being said, we would love to get an update if they respond to your email. What excuse will they give? Let's find out together.

1 1
Mothra lemmy (AP)

I'm confused... why do even Democrats seem conflicted on Kamala Harris as a replacement of Joe Biden?

As far as I can tell, different faces, but same old, same old... I mean, literally anyone is better than Biden at the job, considering age...

What do dems worry about her?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
30 44 1
2 1
I’ll still vote for her, even though I’ve thought she’s been an ineffectual VP and was just a bad presidential candidate in 2020. During the 2020 Dem primary debates she basically got shutdown by Tulsi Gabbard and never really recovered from that, up until Biden picked her as VP. Her previous record would probably make her a liability amongst liberals, but there’s not much choice now. She doesn’t seem to have much charisma or inspire much enthusiasm. She’s not old though, so that’s a plus in her favor. Being a black woman is sure to excite elements of the party that would find that important, as it would be another historic first for the country if she were elected. I’d just be happy to avert fascism with whomever.
9 1

137 9 1
Wilmo Bones lemmy (AP)

Pretty FOSS?

PC - Thinkpad T14s Gen 4: EndeavourOS, Firefox and Thunderbird with the Proton suite of things such as Mail, Pass and VPN - I do pay for them but I think it's worth it.

Phone - Pixel 8 with GrapheneOS and as many F-Droid apps as possible. Proton apps for Mail, Pass, Drive, VPN. Cromite browser. The only that aren't are probably my banking apps, but I could always switch to web I guess.

I think my biggest hurdle is a Map app that has traffic data that isn't Google maps.

3 1
littleradio lemmy (AP)
Have you tried OrganicMaps? You can download the map for your state (or states) and it works extremely well offline, with the one downside, being not all specific addresses have been uploaded... but you can sure find the street and the UI is unmatched for FOSS map apps.
1 1
FlappyBubble lemmy (AP)
Debian-based custom built thing. Nothing special.

Is there a use case for Crowd Strike Falcon on Linux?

How does Linux it self or some other software on Linux address what Crowd Strike is doing for Windows?

E: thanks for the answers 😀

Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
43 2 1
delirious_owl lemmy (AP)

EDR is a massive security risk, so no.

If youre forced to install it, put it on a VM and don't let it escape to your real machine. They can exfiltrate all your data and install malware as root.

2 1
rotopenguin lemmy (AP)
The use case is - if you are in an industry that is legally mandated to use EDR, it is an EDR product.
7 1

25 20 1
The idea of Snap is good, but the implementation is bad and slow. I prefer to use distro's package manager or flatpack.
6 1
Irdial lemmy (AP)
I understand that people feel strongly about Snaps, but I don't know about saying that they're a security vulnerability on the basis of offering automatic updates.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
5 1 1

Where do you like to go on the internet?

yo. where do you like to go on the internet?

name your favorite websites (better if niche), your favorite communities (again, better if niche), interesting instagram pages, interesting profiles to follow on any social media, podcasts, web forums, discord server, strange exotic communities, tumblr, horny stuff, videos, whatever. Don't self censor yourself please!


There used to be this plugin and site called something like "Stumble Upon". You click on the big Stumble button and it takes you to a random place on the WWW based on your interests. It was awesome. I miss it. Anyone know something similar that still works?

There will be so many memes. This woman is thick as pig shit. She's going to make a fool of herself again at every turn.
4 9 1

How to stagger automated upgrade?

I am using unattended-upgrades across multiple servers. I would like package updates to be rolled out gradually, either randomly or to a subset of test/staging machines first. Is there a way to do that for APT on Ubuntu?

An obvious option is to set some machines to update on Monday and the others to update on Wednesday, but that only gives me only weekly updates...

The goal of course is to avoid a Crowdstrike-like situation on my Ubuntu machines.

edit: For example. An updated openssh-server comes out. One fifth of the machines updates that day, another fifth updates the next day, and the rest updates 3 days later.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
45 3 1
You could go the Ansible route. (No unattended upgrades)
1 1 1
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
2 1 1

Is there an image viewer like nsxiv, but with native Wayland support?

According to this issue, it looks like there are no plans, understandably, for making a version/fork of nsxiv but with native Wayland support.

Any recommendations for a simple image viewer in Hyprland?

I like how it supports animated webp and gif files right out of the box. Would be perfect if you could open images from the file manager and navigate, but it doesn't look like that's in the works.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Who can follow who in the Fediverse

I tried to make a simple list indicating which kind of profile is followable from each other type of fedi social network.

As it isn't complete you can give suggestion, thank you!!

28 2 1
mbin users can follow and be followed by all the big players... mastodon, lemmy
5 1

Why stand in line to board an airplane?

The seats are assigned. People have been standing in line for 15 minutes now. Why on earth would anyone want to stand there, when they could just sit and wait until the line clears?

I understand wanting to get off a plane ASAP, but boarding? You just end up sitting on the plane, waiting for everyone else to get on.

yeah, that's why i am happy to avoid the us when travelling, mainly because of reports that electeonics are bricked regulary by them, but this discussion is more about theft. like "never allow hand luggage to be checked, better miss the flight instead":

it's not always about travellers that could lay hands on your stuff, maybe staff "needs" a living wage too 😉

Yeah, but the op was talking about worrying about people on the plane stealing from his bag in the overhead bin, not the TSA stealing from it. But yeah, TSA is grimy AF, I always make sure to count my money before and after I put my wallet through the security line. I also wouldn't trust valuables in a checked bag as well.

Opinions on Snapchat

Got Snapchat recently and want your opinion on it.
Some things I like: public snaps that can keep you up to date and more aware of the world around you.
Things I don't like: 24/7 friend locations, from the fact that anyone knows where you are and that Snapchat will sell your location data to advertisers.
Would also like to know more about etiquette on the app.
36 3 1

Everyone I know that uses Snapchat only uses it to take pictures with filters, and save them to the gallery.

I really don't care about it, and I don't think I ever will.

2 1

Do not confuse any of the content you see on Snapchat as news. It is an advertisement. It is a free service and the content is highly competitive, so it must be enticing to pull you in and it has one objective: to generate revenue.

If you want news, you need to find a new platform with different incentives. Lemmy removes the profit incentive, a news website keeps the profit incentive but add transparency.

If you want to keep up with friends and they're on Snapchat, then by all means use Snapchat, but the idea that you can use it as a platform to keep up with news is delusional.

13 1

What makes gel capsules so expensive in comparison to other pills?

Disclaimer: I'm in Australia and here vitamins must comply with certain regulations. Feel free to read about it:

I bought vitamin D the other day, and couldn't help but to notice the price differences, such as:

Brand A: $8 x 300 pills
Brand B: $30, x 250 capsules
Brand C: $40, x 300 capsules

All had the same amount of vitamin per dose (1000 u). They all had the AUST L label which means they undergo controls to ensure that they have what they claim to have, and that they are made under certain safety standards.

I also buy iron supplements but there is nowhere near this much difference between brands. The only obvious difference was the type of pill, the more expensive ones were gel capsules while the cheap ones were hard pills.

So, are gel capsules really that much better? Is the price difference justified? Are there other issues that could explain the price difference in terms of quality?

49 1
Gels are far less stable than compressed powder pills
4 1

OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 Released – OpenMandriva

50 1 1

How do the 'offspring' of Mandrake/Mandriva compare to one another? IIRC, there's ALT, Mageia, OpenMandriva, PCLinuxOS and ROSA.

I've also come to the understanding that what set Mandrake apart from its peers was its polish and user-friendliness. Which, harbored a great community back in the days. Currently, however, this role is fulfilled by distros like Linux Mint. Furthermore, most distros are relatively straightforward anyways. So, my other questions would be:
- Could the argument be made that Linux Mint is the actual spiritual successor to Mandrake?
- Are the Mandrake-offspring's most compelling raison d'être that they're Mandrake's offspring?

9 1
2 1
I think you right. Especially when PCLinuxOS is the “The Boomer Distribution“ according to the website.
Obviously the community and user friendliness ( like the control center) you mentioned was the main reason.
Lastly, destroying your CRT monitor by a wrong X config was part of the learning process.
I wonder what would happen if this amount of effort and persistence was put into something more useful.
2 12 1
We’d all be running BSD or Hurd, and not some hobby project a college kid made just for fun.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
8 1
Good question. Delete your account and see what happens!
10 1 1

21 1
Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will, etc
1 1
therealjcdenton lemmy (AP)
Optimistic. I am going to singlehandedly will the future I want into existence
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
1 1

virt-install vTPM issue

21 3 1

What are you reinstalling? New haos on old kvm? Old haos on new kvm? New deployment?

From the logs I read that your user chris has no rw perms within the haos.

1 1
Need read/write rights on statedir /var/lib/swtpm-localca for user chris.

This indicates a permission issue. Sounds like your user account isn't part of whatever group swtpm needs it to be. Check the permissions on that directory and maybe add your user account to that group.

The other error messages are warning you that you don't have kvm support, which will make your VM terribly slow. Could also be a permission issue, could be a UEFI setting. It's probably worth fixing more than the TPM issue; you can probably just remove the TPM from the hardware config to get it to boot because I doubt you'll strictly need a TPM to use HAOS.


What do you think about the idea that we're in a simulation?

I don't think that we're in a simulation, but I do find myself occasionally entertaining the idea of it.

I think it would be kinda funny, because I have seen so much ridiculous shit in my life, that the idea that all those ridiculous things were simulated inside a computer or that maybe an external player did those things that I witnessed, is just too weird and funny at the same time lol.

Also, I play Civilizations VI and I occasionally wonder 'What if those settlers / soldiers / units / whatever are actually conscious. What if those lines of code actually think that they're alive?'. In that case, they are in a simulation. The same could apply to other life simulators, such as the Sims 4.

Idk, what does Lemmy think about it?

Relativity only relates to the relative shape of spacetime and movement through it.

So for example, things occurring faster for one inertial frame vs another, or something being closer to an observer moving quickly than for one stationary.

It's exclusive to the combination of spacetime curvature and one's momentum within it.

How do you think relativity does explain it?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Quantum mechanics and relativity are, at least currently, incompatible theories. Relativity depends on continuous things, which is why it has singularities and what not. But quantum mechanics has minimum discrete units that don't play nice with gravity and relativity.

Also, it's still an open debate as to whether quantum mechanics is applicable to all sizes of things. There's some consequences around that being the case and it's one of the suggestions for an assumption resolving recent paradoxes around incompatibilities between the theory and our expectations for behaviors. If it does apply to larger objects, the consequences are basically that either there's no free will and superderminism is true or else that quanta don't actually exist until observed.

In fact, currently we haven't been able to observe quantum behavior in anything large enough to measure gravitational effects from. Which may be where a fundamental limit exists, given the incompatibility between relativity and QM.

Quantum mechanics is incompatible with general relativity, it is perfectly compatible with special relativity, however. I mean, that is literally what quantum field theory is, the unification of special relativity and quantum mechanics into a single framework. You can indeed integrate all aspects of relativity into quantum mechanics just fine except for gravity. It's more that quantum mechanics is incompatible with gravity and less that it is incompatible with relativity, as all the other aspects we associate with relativity are still part of quantum field theory, like the passage of time being relative, relativity of simultaneity, length contraction, etc.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Gravity is where the whole continuous singularities are, so yeah.

Crowdstrike Cockup

So as we all know on the news, the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike Y2K'd it's own end customers with a shoddy non-tested update.

But how does this happen? Aren't there programming teams and check their code or pass it to a quality assurance staff to see if it bricked their own machines?

8.5 Million machines too, does that effect home users too or is it only for windows machines that have this endpoint agent installed?

Lastly, why would large firms and government institutions such as railway networks and hospitals put all their eggs in one basket? Surely chucking everything into "The Cloud (Literally just another man's tinbox)" would be disastrous?

TLDR - Confused how this titanic tits up could happen and that 8.5 Million windows machines (POS, Desktops and servers) just packed up.

48 6 1
monsterpiece42 lemmy (AP)
Hell they had a similar incident on Debian servers THIS YEAR. Absolutely unacceptable a corp this half-assed has the type of control it does.
1 1
haui lemmy (AP)
Thats why they need to see harsh consequences.

I think thread deletion is problematic and needs some consideration and changes

A large percentage of threads I've created or participated in have been deleted. Worse is that when visiting the URL everything is completely gone.

This is much more drastic when compared with Reddit thread deletions, where the thread is there and so is the discussion. And the creator of the thread has access to their content.

The Lemmy method discourages people from participating in threads and creating high-quality content, much more so than the Reddit method.

A bunch of lively and useful discussions on Lemmy have completely disappeared. And it makes it seem like a waste of time to even contribute content here.

EDIT: I see that the "fediverse" link for posts has been removed. I posted this to from a account and there's no way for me to get the link now. And when I crosspost it it shows a link instead of the one. I think this should be changed [back].

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
10 7 1
EDIT: I see that the “fediverse” link for posts has been removed.

It's still there, just not when the post/comment comes from the instance you're on. Even though the post is to a community, it's from so that's where the fediverse link goes to.

1 1
I posted this thread to, so I think there should be a fediverse link to the thread on
There's no real reason to. Your own instance (in this case, has the real view of the thread by the virtue of being the instance starting the thread. only has it's own copy of this thread that's likely reasonably accurate (compared to any other random instance out there, considering it hosts the community), but it's not the original version, which is what the fediverse link points to.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Useful info from an admin about why one of the threads went missing:

There seems to be room for improvement in how Lemmy handles this.


A couple of questions about Cantata

Hello all,

A couple of questions about Cantata.

It hasn't been developed for a while now. Will it eventually just stop working or there's any way to at least port it to qt6, without new features, just keeping the basic functionality?

I have the habit of star most of the songs I listen to, so that it's become easier to, for example, create smart playlists. In the case I can use Cantata no more is it possible to export somehow this data? Let's say that it stops working and I switch to something else (say, Navidrome or some equivalent). Will I be able to export my preferences, stars, playlists, favorites, etc?

23 1
Never heard of it, but it will stop working eventually not because of QT, but due to updated distros replacing aging or insecure libraries or compilation tools that will be incompatible with this software. You would have the option of keeping it running on an older LTS release of something, but eventually that will also run out. Best to just find an alternative that is actively developed at some point.
4 1

Cantata is an excellent graphical frontend to mpd.

And another Cantata fellow fan posted a fork of the the original project that apparently has been maintained.

4 1

Big fan of Cantata here 😀

It was forked this year and the new developer kept using the original name.

13 1 1
Afaik the Flatpak uses EOL dependencies
1 1 1

Hey, that's great news!

And to think I've been searching so much about Cantata these last few days and didn't find this github project... although it seems to be the fork of a fork, isn't it?

I do appreciate your input.

1 1

How should I prepare for euthanasia?

How much finance is needed and what's the procedure to do so (not medical but how to approach the professionals)? Is Switzerland the only place where accepts foreigners and did they have any successful cases who used any inherited neurobiological disorder as a reason?

Thanks for your help and I would like to know more about euthanasia too. Have a nice day.

105 11 1
Someone I know went to Switzerland recently, I'm not sure how much exactly it cost but I think around 25k eur. It was a degenerative disease.
11 1

I have no experience with this, but happened to have seen an interview with Ludwig Minelli, the founder of Dignitas (an organisation for assisted death). The man is 90+ and still fighting for this right. I believe I saw it in a video format, but I think this was the interview - I think it's worth a read.

I'd suggest you look up the contact for the various organisations and reach out with your situation and questions to see what they say. They're likely to be much better sources of information.

2 1

Best way to transfer Borg backup repository from one server to another?

I want to mirgrate my Nextcloud instance from a VPS to server in my home. I run the Nextcloud AIO Docker container, which uses Borg backup. The backup repo is about ~70 GB.

How would I best go about transferring it? Is using scp a good solution here (in combination with nohup so that I don't have to keep my ssh session active)? Or is there some other best practice way of doing this?

23 2 1
Hm, you really shouldn't fuck around with Borg stuff, the Borg tend to recover their lost/dead tech
16 2 1

Question on moving hard drives

I'm running Proxmox on a Lenovo ThinkCentre and I decided to swap the internal 256 GB 2,5" SSD for a 500 GB NVME.

I installed the new NVME alongside the old SSD, and formated it in ext4 with a single partition. I then proceeded to 'dd /dev/sda /dev/nvme0n1' and it went through without an error.

My impression was that it would clone all content from the old drive to the new, but it wouldn't boot the new drive. I then logged in and set a boot flag via fstab a, but that only helped me boot but the system gets stuck at "waiting for root file system".

Nothing is lost as the old drive still works fine when installed but how do I complete the swap correctly so I can go NVME-only?

Thank you!

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
53 1 1

Yeah, that'll work. Gparted should wipe the destination disk for you and set the boundaries and such. Should be super easy. You can find guides online as well.

Clonezilla is also a super easy route.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
13 1 1
X2 for clonezilla. I would usually go the path of the OP with one exception: this particular example. Clonezilla just works so perfectly for this effect scenario i can't imagine wasting time using anything else.
4 1

What's on your "Everyday Carry" USB stick?

Just picked up a 128GB USB A/C stick that can go on my keyring. What are some things I should put on it to have access to at all times?

I already have self hosted services accessible over my VPN, so this would be for when I can't access that.

I'm thinking at least Ventoy and some common ISOs, then I'm not sure what else.

150 12 1
Two partitions for a live linux, the second for home and other data. It can come in handy, if you're on linux.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
cy_narrator lemmy (AP)
I hate to break it down but you probably dont need one
3 1

Read. Write. Execute. RWX. I'm going to piss some people off. Here goes: you are wasting your time if you watch videos. At all. A video moves at the pace it plays. It is linear. You can't jump around easily. Reading? You can jump wherever you need immediately. You can have multiple sources at once. If you use a book, yes a physical book, you learn where things are and jump right to them. Read

Write down a paraphrased version of what you read. Do not copy. Include references so you can return to source if needed. Note taking is a skill. Your notes should be organized in a way you can skim what you wrote as easily as the sources themselves.

Execute. You don't learn anything unless you do it. I've had too many students who watch Khan Academy, and think they understand it when they haven't done it. They don't score well on exams. Not my fault. I told them they have to do it to understand it.

RWX. I await the flame war I just started with the video people.

12 1 1

It might depend from person to person? I agree with you, tho. That's also my preferred method.

However, if the stuff you're reading is fairly dense and not that well organized, you're gonna have a harder time than watching a well written educational video or lecture and taking notes along the way.

1 1
wuphysics87 lemmy (AP)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
Wikipedia link hopping. Other sources may not be reliable at all.
2 1

My fellow software engineer, It's the year 2024...

Shameless plug: I am the author.
Shout out to xdg-ninja - it'll find files that are in your home and suggest how to configure the app to use XDG instead.
Strange that some apps allow configuring it rather than just doing it automatically...

P03 Locke ActivityPub
Switzerland be like:

This past two weeks in KDE: fixing sticky keys and the worst crashes

65 5 1

Recursive execute(x) required to enable nginx to read a directory !?? [ SOLVED ]


I've noticed something quite odd, but I don't know if the problem come from Linux itself or nginx..

In order to grant nginx access to a directory let say your static

These parent directories "/", "/root", "/root/downloads" should give the execute(x) permission to 'www-data' or 'nobody'. i.e.

but it seem not only the direct parent need to be given XX5 but all the chain

for example

└── sub1
    └── sub2
        └── static

it seem you need to set allow others to read and execute 5
all the parents example, sub1, sub2
Why is that !?? I've found it so akward and unsecure !
is there a workaround ?


Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Thank you all !

Indeed setting execute perm on example, sub1, sub2, static

The program/user have now access to the directory.

In order words all the parents directory need at least execute in order to have access in the targeted directory...

Now I gave 751 for static. Meaning than others (here nginx) cannot list the files within. But never the less it works\
the static files are appearing when requested (HTTP) but forbidding nginx to list the directory is changing something ? (performance/security)



Nobody's talking about this one, but if NASA is able to confirm even the slightest degree of lab-scale spatial warping we'd be in for a huge sea change in potential futures.
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A wealth tax. With that we could fully fund all the research people mention and have the means to roll out the advancement in a way that doesn't cause massive externalities.
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Is anybody else a bit disappointed about the recent days with Fedora Atomic?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

You are completely right, they've dropped the ball. Of course it's open source, so the devs are not duty bound to keep the system running well. it's just that my trust is shaken that I could just set up grandma's computer with this and not need to maintain it..

These days even Apple and Microsoft struggle with testing their updates and pushing out updates that are not broken or system breaking. Maybe the grans of the world should just become more tech savvy. ;)

Then again if long term Fedora immutable systems only fail like this once every two years, then we are not really worse than needing to deal with Windows rot.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

how can I stop feeling offended when coworkers don't return my greetings?

and how do I react next time they don't greet me?

I started working at this department 3 weeks ago. I went into the office I now work at, greeted 2 coworkers I've already worked with, they looked at me, said nothing, kept talking to themselves.

How am I supposed to interpret that?

To me this is disrespectful, maybe you disagree?

Then, as I was working, I saw both of them staring at me. What am I supposed to do when that happens? To me this signals hostility and passive aggressiveness.

I separate private life from personal one but even I know that the least you can do is to greet your coworkers, unless you want them to quit.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
84 16 1

I was once at a party and I was trying to introduce myself to this person. I put my hand out to shake theirs and they fold there arms up and look away and say hello. How rude. I say what's up? They, not making eye contact arms folded, 'Nothing'.

I leave this weird game this person is playing fairly annoyed.

I walk over to a friend, who's this person who won't even look at me? 'Oh that's Tim, he's blind.'

13 1
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