Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)
demesisx lemmy (AP)
I’ve had issues with with FlyingSquid in the past. I ended up switching to a new instance because is overflowing with douchebags.

Sell us on your favorite exotic/niche distro

120 9 1
CrabAndBroom lemmy (AP)
2 1
Baldur Nil lemmy (AP)
This is at the very least super interesting.
1 1

where to buy linux stickers in europe?

Where can I buy linux stickers?

Probably, I'd like to get some red hat stickers. Tux is too sweet and fedora is just white and blue. A red hat is more striking.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
60 3 1
Is there any particular project or content creator you vibe with? If so, maybe check out their socials for links to their merch.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
Lucy :3 ActivityPub
The best, albeit most expensive and sweaty, source is still the Chaos Communication Congress.

How so? System Restore already automatically reverts to OS to a previous state after blue screens during boot since at least Windows 8, and you could do it manually since at least Windows Vista.

The problem isn't working around the problem (just rename or delete a single .sys file), it's that this happened almost exclusively to massive companies with hundreds or thousands of computers. The fix itself takes maybe a minute, the problem is the massive amounts of work this requires to do across tens of thousands of computers.

Luckily, the quick solution seems to be "reboot the computer about 15 times so the automatic update that fixes the bug probably gets applied before the next crash", but for systems where that doesn't work, manual intervention is necessary.

3 1 1
Effectively. Kernel level driver intercepting system calls for logging, analysis, and potential blocking.

Can anything be worth doing?

Definitely a "woah bruh 420 blaze it" kind of thought this eve, but I'm wondering if there is a philosophy, lifestyle, or technique that addresses this:

I often wish for some way of making anything worth doing, therefore removing the need to judge whether something is worth doing.

Many hours of my "free time" outside of work are a struggle of meta-evaluation re: "time investment" and feel it would be so much more peaceful to outgrow this mindset

Edit: Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and advice. Seeing both simple truths and nuanced anecdotes makes for wonderful reading, and I'm glad I put this question out there ✨

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
52 4 1

Optimistic nihilism is my chosen way of life. Here’s a really good kurzgesagt video on it:

[insert happy/sad bus meme, but both sides say “nothing matters”]

Another way of thinking of it, if you only get to experience this once, make it the best experience you can.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

What's your list of banned brands?

What brands do you avoid at all cost?
I don't keep up with the news all that much, and many of the reasons to avoid something don't make it there anyway. So I'm asking here to make a big list of things to avoid. It could be anything from bad security practices to really frustrating packaging. Working as a cashier myself, I definitely know there are plenty of brands I avoid purely on the basis that their product is a pain to stock.

On the flip side, what's the alternative? If you avoid Pepsi, for example, what do you turn to instead?

185 8 1
EuroNutellaMan lemmy (AP)
Ok so this still sacrifices usability for me
m3t00🌎 lemmy (AP)
at&t, comcast, tobacco co's

what do i do concerning this?

So I am writing a thesis and what I thought that meant is making some cool programming project and then basically explaining what you did, how you did it and why. But today I hear that I am supposed to do things like """research""" and """literature review""". Apparently one is supposed to find similar pieces of """research""" and build on top of it. This doesn't sound good bros. I have the thing entirely completed, minus a few grammatical errors on the document itself. What do I do?
28 11 1

Work backwards. Find some literature/research that supports what you've done and work it into your paper.

Meet with your thesis advisor frequently. They should have helped you correct course long before you reached this point.

30 1

You must have had a class on how to do research, how to cite a paper, how to look for books in a library, etc. No?

I am not trying to come of as condescendent at all, it truly baffles me because I had such classes starting in middle school all the way up to graduate school and they were mandatory. Isn't that the standard in higher education?

2 1

My friend and I saw an ad on TV for Dance Central for Xbox 360 and the kinect. We had a good laugh. He ended up buying it for me for Christmas. For the joke, we played it and next thing you know, I mastered most of the dances and they are legit. Definitely up'd my dancing game at the club.
1 1
Toribor lemmy (AP)

House of the Dead: Overkill on the Wii.

Genuinely has a great (and hilarious) soundtrack.

1 1

I want a job now. Okay, I've always wanted a job, but I need advice on job-hunting.

13 1 1
7 1

Starring this.

And yeah, career and job fairs might also be my best bet. Better to meet these people in-person.

I understand the last part, but I want, in my life, to at least try a career, try my hand at it. Not sure how to explain.

1 1
I understand the last part, but I want, in my life, to at least try a career, try my hand at it. Not sure how to explain.

No I get it. I'm in the same boat, I'm still trying to get a job and I really just want to start participating in the engineering world. It's just so hard to be allowed in.

1 1
Oh, fair. That I can understand. Me, I just want to promote things. I'm proficient in advertising. I'm proficient in Communications. Let me do that, world.
1 1

It sucks but the proper mindset is "building" not "settling".

Think leapfrog

2 1

external hdd disapeared

I have a hdd attached to my server. It's sda but has 2 partitions so sda1 @16M and sda2 @3.6T
It defaulted to being in the location /media/devmon so I kept that and it worked for ages.
Suddenly the data is gone.
I had files located here: /media/devmon/4tb_drive/kiwix/zim and that directory is now empty.
But I put the drive into a Windows box, and everything was there.

When I run mount /dev/sda2 /media/devmon/ it says:

The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).
Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.
Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an
unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation
or fast restarting.)
Could not mount read-write, trying read-only

I originally formatted this drive in Windows, is that the issue? Ideally I'd use btrfs or zfs not ntfs, but here we are.

How do I get access again?

21 2 1
I can see the data on windows, but not on linux
1 1

It is NTFS after all, support has been flaky over the years. Are you running modern Linux NTFS drivers? If there's no other messages and chkdsk repair (on Windows) doesn't fix it I would assume the filesystem is alright and look at trying different NTFS drivers versions on Linux.

Have you verified that Windows can actually read all of the files? It may show them and not be able to read some of the files if the filesystem is corrupted.

1 1

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
184 5 1

Lol you can totally do it in a home server application. It's even okay if I'm a e-commerce store to use wildcard for and not a best practice, but not idiotic.

Not idiotic unless you also have a that forwards a port into your internal network...

...where takes you to an insecure password shield, and behind it is the SSL certificate, just chillin for anyone to snag and use as a key to deobfuscate all that SSL traffic, going across your network, your shop, your whole domain.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

oh... oh no

Well now I feel better thanks hahaha

1 1

Pacman v7.0.0 released

167 2 1
The moment I installed it, yay broke. To fix it, if any of you need this: do an ln -s to the .so that is being requested. This allows yay to work again. Use yay to upgrade yay. Finally remove the symbolic link.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
18 1 1
Can you do makepkg in the clone of yay PKGBUILD from aur? That seems like a better solution than symlinking...
8 1
This is the correct thing to do when it breaks, recompile and link against the new libs. Otherwise you could see funny behaviour.
3 1
I did this. And it worked like a charm
3 1
That's how you're supposed to use AUR, I think. All yay, paru, etc do is make it convenient to do that while also helping with searching and upgrading them.
4 1

92 3 1
Yes quite a few as other commenters have indicated. Another good one is ! BOINC is an open source platform for volunteer computing that also has hundreds of scientific papers and citations under its belt. There are BOINC projects for medical research, space research, math, you name it, there's probably a BOINC project for it. Anybody can start a BOINC project and you choose which projects you contribute CPU/GPU time to.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
12 1
I forgot there is also the SETI@home project working on the same principle. Searching Extra Terrestrial Intelligence 👽👽👽
3 1

Do you know any mobile games that don't suck?

I just want to kill some time, I like simple arcade style games that aren't using scummy corporate sales tactics to get me to play every day
240 6 1
Taalnazi lemmy (AP)
1 1
telepresence lemmy (AP)
dungeon cards, shattered pixel dungeon, or just read manga

[CW extreme racism] Defederate from

Bonus slurs:


This instance is encouraging naked unashamed white supremacy by permitting this filth. The moderators of .world have a sustained record of not just complicity but encouragement of this behavior. is turning into a nazi bar.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
13 31
Uhhh didn't Chinese people start the Pooh Bear thing? Pretty sure it has nothing to do with "yellow" as a racial slur.
5 1

I see no slurs in the screen cap.

As you kids like to say these days, you need to get outside and touch grass.

Even if there were "slurs", offense can only be taken.

Then there's also the issue of you labeling something racist or a slur just because you don't like it, as a means of getting your way. Now that I find offensive.

Some people are asshats, (actually, we're all asshats from time to time). That's life.

2 1

Linux in OneDrive?

I watched this video where they talked about how someone installed Linux on their Google drive. Like, installing everything in Google drive, not finding some Google client. Storing the /* in Drive.

I am currently attempting to do this as well, but with Microsoft OneDrive. I'll update you all on my progress!

45 3 1

You could pxe boot off a local network server and mount your cloud drive to a fileserver that offers it as nfs to the local network...

But.. why?

5 1
I asked the same question about the Google Drive boot, and the answer really boils down to "because I can."
12 1

What can we learn from the Trump shooting and the Uvalde shooting ? (ml)

15 16 1

Most classrooms already have policies about not using your mobile phone, as in general students are supposed to be paying attention to lectures. Students are already sneaking their phone usage during class. I don't see the connection between mobile phone use and violence, though. I don't think the Trump or Uvalde shootings have anything to do with phones, social media, etc.

I think it makes sense to cancel subscriptions to NYT and to likewise boycott Twitter, but I think that's just about being a critical consumer in general. It requires collective action and mass movements to make a difference with something like that.

Alienation is a problem in the U.S. and maybe the West in general. Obviously junkies, the unhoused, and refugees are not inferior people, they are merely unfortunate people. Our society does stigmatize and dehumanize them, however. Random and unprovoked violence against all three of those groups are more common. But this is also true for women, racial minorities, sexual minorities, etc. Did you have thoughts on how to repair the alienation, dehumanization, etc.?

1 1
Many of us including me had as hard a time as those two assassins, but you don’t see any of us taking it out on world leaders.
1 1

101 1 1

This is cool. I struggled with exactly the problem as described. Installed the NVIDIA driver and it would not load, without telling me why. Somebody on Lemmy pointed out that you need to disable Secure boot.

It's nice to know they are working on a solution, just a pity it's so difficult. But they are trying very hard to make it workable.

8 1

Can you recommend a free minimalist documents app? (replace Google Docs- can be offline)

40 1
Joplin has the specific features you mentioned, maybe worth looking into. It's a markdown editor.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
4 1

NVIDIA Transitions Fully Towards Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules | NVIDIA Technical Blog

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

71 10 1
I consider it a cool color because I can usually wear it and look good, and generally cannot look good in warm colors. But never thought of it as a red or a blue just purple.

Colors are very dependent on cultural context so if people would put their countries along with answers it'd be nice.

I personally think it's completely separate and not really comparable even though directly translated from Icelandic the color is "violet blue". From Iceland

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

AdAway vs ProtonVPN vs Firefox+ublock etc

Hey all, so I used Blokada (5, I think) for a long time but then when they forced an upgrade I moved on to AdAway. AdAway is great, it's not perfect, but it gets the job done.

I decided to give ProtonVPN a try, due to recent state legislative website laws. I like it, it's cool but it doesn't block ads in the free version and AdAway can't run at the same time, afaik.

I've heard lots of people talking about how great FF with ublock is and I only recently switched back to Firefox so I'm considering giving that a try but I'm getting overwhelmed.

What is the right combination to block most ads as well pretending to be from another state?

Firefox with uBlock Origin should always be your starting point.

Except Firefox is not secure on Android.

Avoid Gecko-based browsers like Firefox as they're currently much more vulnerable to exploitation and inherently add a huge amount of attack surface. Gecko doesn't have a WebView implementation (GeckoView is not a WebView implementation), so it has to be used alongside the Chromium-based WebView rather than instead of Chromium, which means having the remote attack surface of two separate browser engines instead of only one. Firefox / Gecko also bypass or cripple a fair bit of the upstream and GrapheneOS hardening work for apps. Worst of all, Firefox does not have internal sandboxing on Android. This is despite the fact that Chromium semantic sandbox layer on Android is implemented via the OS isolatedProcess feature, which is a very easy to use boolean property for app service processes to provide strong isolation with only the ability to communicate with the app running them via the standard service API.

Don't use you funny words on me, magic one

HDR screenshots

Just wanted to find out if there was any progress in terms of screenshots when using gamescope and KDE 6. Last time I tried (running Arch and with an AW3423DWF monitor with HDR 1000), display support worked, but screenshots seemed insanely washed out and generally broken, which was unfortunately a make it or break it feature for me. Has anyone got a similar setup that they can try it out on?
27 1
Yup, was using Spectacle, behaviour was similar to your description. I guess maybe the HDR highlights just got more blown out on higher brightness displays?
1 1

Yeah, it gets more blown out the bigger the difference between the sdr brighrness setting and the highlights is.

Support for HDR screenshots is hopefully something I can add soon-ish

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
3 1

thawed_caveman lemmy (AP)
That's just what i'm saying: they shouldn't spawn inside the building, but every now and then they do anyway.
I don't have that issue

Why do butchers have yellow breadcrumbs on their meat?

I've noticed and I've never really understood why that when you buy any meat that is crumbed from a butcher in Australia, it is always or nearly always yellow in colour.

Why do they do this and where does the yellow colour come from?

42 1
That is interesting, it's true. Have you never had a schnitzel?
Old man reckons they're "cornflake crumbs", similar to what other commenter said but also not Corn flour per say. Makes them crunchy.
Deze entry werd bewerkt (1 maand ago)

[Solved] Upgrading to Ubuntu 20.04 broke python and now apt dosn't work.

I wanted to make VirtualBox kernel module working so
Upgraded kernel from 6.6.7 -> 6.9.9.

Two libraries were missing ( libelf1t64 and libssl3t64 ) so
I begun to upgrade the ubuntu from 23.10 to 24.02
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'apt_pkg'

apt now is broken and I can't add a PPA to install a python3.8 or build from source as I can't resolve dependencies in package manager.

only python3.11 and python3.12 are installed

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
13 1
There was a serious security vulnerability previous to Python 3.11 if I recall correctly. You can use pyenv to manage Python versions though:
2 1
Bruh, 24.04 is out already.
3 1 1

Today I'm grateful I'm using Linux - Global IT issues caused by Crowdstrike update causes BSOD on Windows

This isn't a gloat post. In fact, I was completely oblivious to this massive outage until I tried to check my bank balance and it wouldn't log in.

Apparently Visa Paywave, banks, some TV networks, EFTPOS, etc. have gone down. Flights have had to be cancelled as some airlines systems have also gone down. Gas stations and public transport systems inoperable. As well as numerous Windows systems and Microsoft services affected. (At least according to one of my local MSMs.)

Seems insane to me that one company's messed up update could cause so much global disruption and so many systems gone down :/ This is exactly why centralisation of services and large corporations gobbling up smaller companies and becoming behemoth services is so dangerous.

863 55 1
It really seems like the future or some variation of it.
I would definitely recommend using guix home because having a seperate config for you more user facing stuff is so convenient (plus no need for root access to install a package declaratively) (side note take this with a grain of salt because I don't use gnu guix I use nixos)

Keycap recommendations

Hi friends! I'm looking for a new set of keycaps. I want a PBT shine through cap with an SA profile or variation of the same (MSA, KSA, etc.). Maybe something with a bit of a heavier thunk.

new sharkey instance now open: is now open for registrations!!!

WHO ARE WE? we’re a scrappy little fresh-faced underdog instance of sharkey (a misskey fork). we have but one humbly stated mission: to put the PUNK back into cyberpunk on the fediverse

WHO AM I? i’m vanta. trans enby girl polyam lesbian gender terrorist, the fediverse’s favorite pirate radio DJ, DIY clothing auteur, and rogue wordsmith extraordinaire. i’ve been posting on fedi heavily since 2017

THREADS? not only is this instance a fedipact instance that has blocked, but… i’m the one who made the whole pact to begin with lmao

Not at all. You were just being a gaping asshole over there.

In the end I'd say this is likely a nice demonstration of decentralisation and a plurality of instances is inherently valuable. Every online place will have its inclinations and slants, in many ways, which can always combine to create shitty interactions between otherwise defensible or understandable actors/motives.

Ensuring that there are multiple such "places", which we can each connect to as we wish, means that many/most issues or people can have a place to "breath" without handling the shitty noise and friction the internet is so liable to create.

openSUSE - 1 Year Later

28 18 1
No description... nothing? why should I click?
14 3 1

Oh, you know... to enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

(I just stopped clicking youtube links on here, most of it is hot and/or dumb takes for superficial engagement)

5 1 1

Or alternatively to Profitez des vidéos et de la musique que vous aimez, mettez en ligne des contenus originaux, et partagez-les avec vos amis, vos proches et le monde entier.

I do not know why the YouTube link blurp is speaking French to me. It's been doing that for a week or so...

1 1
Suppose it's a sign that whatever anti-tracking precautions you've taken are working? You have Google guessing rather than knowing where in the world you are.
1 1

Thinking about it now, it's probably that the server is in France or something and it requests the blurb info once, then I get it served from

Presumably, it would show French for you then, too, if you look at this same post on

1 1
Ah oui, c'est vrai certainnement! Didn't know ML is Europe-based but that explains it.
1 1
How do you pronounce SUSE? Is it Susa or SuSeee?
The way he pronounces it in the video is correct. Source: Am German.
1 1

M1 Macbook Air

Was looking at getting a macbook air with an m1 chip in it and running Asahi Linux on it. My question is how viable is it for daily life? E.g. browsing, torrenting, uni notes ect. Would it be equivalent to a regular x86 laptop running Linux? Or would I be missing useful features?

Edit: Another question is how it holds up against newer AMD laptops, as it is 3-4 years old at this point.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
52 6 1
You'll need some active cooling if you're gonna compile some code, so aim at pro 13, same size but without throttling in heavy tasks
1 1
Why would you waste your hard-earned money on such overpriced disposable hardware?
4 1

Degrees and "Degrees"

Is there such a thing as there being degrees (Which are useful and can be applied to a decent selection of vacancies) and:

"degrees" (Which might sound fancy but aren't useful in a lot of vacancies, could also be just to say you got a degree)

This is not to insult anyone who has been to a university and finished their course, but it's something I've been told long time ago by my previous work colleague who nearly became a lawyer, supposedly there are meme degrees as he puts it that look good on a CV but used in an interview is tripe.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you say that is complete nonsense? Or is there some truth to this?

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Attitude to Religion and its believers.

What is your general attitude towards those who believe in religion whether they are jewish, Muslim, Christian etc etc.

Do you get on well with any religious friends and neighbours?

Have you ever thought of believing in a religion at some point?

If you do not like the faiths, why?

If you DO, also why? Does this come from your family? Maybe something went bad during your life?

I get that Lemmy might have the same stereotype in Reddit that there are loads of atheists, but there's a good reason why despite criticism of religion, it is still here.

P.S. I am not religious or anti religious in any fashion, I am agnostic.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)

Taking A Look At Gnome Packagekit. A Software Centre And Update Manager All In One. - YouTube

25 2 1
Is that not what KDE Discover and Gnome Software Center do? Or is this a new one for Gnome?
2 1
I'm pretty sure the video is just badly misnamed. PackageKit is an abstraction layer for interacting with native packages in a cross-distro manner. It's used by both Discover and Software Center. It is developed by Red Hat, but not as a part of GNOME.
4 1

Anyone had any experience with TECH University - Techinstitute?

I am looking for online master degrees and came across TECH, with an incredibly granular offering and excellent reviews in sites like Trustpilot or Emagister. Their prices are also very competitive.

The more I tried to find information about them, the shadier things looked. The vast majority of the opinions about them are very favourable (suspiciously so), but some are straight up scam accusations. No middle ground.

Has anyone had first hand experience with them?

24 1 1

They aren't accredited in the US, so if that's where you are, the degree is worthless.

Expect those reviews to be fake. Not saying there aren't any people who graduated and actually liked it, but more often than not, those universities aren't worth it.

You could check LinkedIn for alumni with a degree you are considering and see where they ended up, that's usually a good real life indicator.

13 1 1
Isn't trustpilot just a scam where people pay 4 good revs? Isn't online unis (and by extension most online courses) a scam?

You know the film 300? If you ever play it with the saturation way waay down, it looks mundane as hell. Just a bunch of guys without shirts walking around.
8 1
That's funny, I'll have to try it. I always wondered what Frank Miller did to achieve those weird camera effects he gets in Sin City and 300
1 1

Because what you see on your screen is new. I bet you if you did some new shit IRL, it would be more impressive than on a screen. Dude, go sky-diving, racing, diving, kayaking, snowboarding, surfing, rock climbing, or play an intense game that physically wears you out. Travel to some place with a great view in the morning to see the sunrise and nice place to see the sunset. Go see the northern lights and tell me that's mundane.

I love screens too because they let us see different worlds and even the impossible - inside of a star, quantum realms, spaceships, life as ant, other worlds, species, and a bunch of other shit, but if you see it all the time, that'll be mundane too. I fell asleep to Dune, bro. Blockbusters with special effects send me to sleep because I've seen that shit thousands of times. Just got used to it. Probably that's what happened to you.

1 1

How to watch my plex media when work wifi just blocked plex?

as of today I noticed I can't access my plex server at all when on my work's wifi. But if i swtich to 4g i can watch plex just fine. But obviously mobile data isn't truly unlimited high speed. And yes I only watch shit on my break. I have remote access enabled etc. Not sure what I can do?

Update: turns out I'm an idiot and my HD bay was turned off hence why I couldn't get into my plex/media. Now I can view it all just fine at work.

Deze entry werd bewerkt (2 months ago)
9 1

It honestly depends on the network policies you're dealing with. Some employers have strict security and won't allow workarounds like vpns or proxies, and they really don't want you connecting the network to other unsecured ones.

That said, I'd try a personal VPN (not necessarily a proxy one, just one that can connect you to your plex server on a shared network). If that doesn't work, I really doubt it's a good idea to connect to your plex server from their wifi anyway. If that's the case, I would just download the media I want before I get to work

1 1
I made an update to my post but basically I somehow didn't realize my HDD bay at home was turned off and currently at work now able to watch my plex media no issue
Go tell IT you need a firewall rule modification for your Plex connection
1 1

Mounting Folders VS Symlinks?

I have a NTFS drive for Storage, which is shared between Win 11.

I want to change the location of (or replace) ~/Downloads, ~/Music, etc..,.

Note that the link to made is between NTFS and EXT4.

I found two ways while searching.

   1.Creating **Symlinks** in `~` with target pointed to folders in NTFS drive.

   2. **Mounting** the NTFS folders **directly** to`~/Downloads`, `~/Music`, etc..,.

Which one should I do? Which one is more beneficial?

Also how to mount folders to other folders (option 2) ? (I would really appreciate a GUI way)

I know this is not that important of a thing to post on Main Linux Community, but I already asked 2 linux4noobs community, and they are empty.


This is a continuation to my previous discussion, where most of the people said,

  1. It doesn't matter where I mount.
  2. Mount certain folders directly into home other. (like mounting /mnt/data/music to ~/music)
24 1
Steven Saus lemmy (AP)
Flatpak can sometimes complain when there's a symlink (Steam, in particular, does this) so you can use the symlink, but have to update XDG-USER-DIRS to point to the actual location. I wrote it up here:
2 1
gpstarman lemmy (AP)
Thank You for sharing.
1 1
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